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I didn't think there was a difference, but I guess they are numbered different...I took mine off and placed them with the gear they came with, but now I'm wondering if they guy before me put them back in the right spot!

Super Moderator
Man ive had mine apart a hundred times and just threw everything in a box and never paid attention. I dont have any in front of me but i would have to say they are not different. If they are i would have to imagine at some point i mixed them up also and never had a problem. I say your good to go.
did you specificly remove that spacer from off of the driveshaft AFTER it was removed from the chaincase? they are usually on the driveshaft pretty tight so it takes a bit to remove it, OR are you thinking of the spacers behind the gears in the chaincase???
Should be the same
Isn't the numbering just for an order to disassemble and reassemble?
Isn't the numbering just for an order to disassemble and reassemble?
they are not the same part if they are numbered differntly on the fiche, thats not for assembly. Differnt number= differnt part number means they do NOT interchange. The seals also being a differnt number tells me more then likely theres a differnt diameter and or thickness on them.
I might have a extra chaincase assembly out in shop to see, but I am gonna wait for you to reply as to you specificly took that off the driveshaft if you had it out to do a track change or if you confused those with the spacers behind the gears.
I might have a extra chaincase assembly out in shop to see, but I am gonna wait for you to reply as to you specificly took that off the driveshaft if you had it out to do a track change or if you confused those with the spacers behind the gears.
New member
I took everything apart to change the track and bearings. My manual says, "Be sure to install the spacers in their original positions, otherwise the brake disc and jackshaft will stick."
New member
Ya I guess he is talking about the spacers behind the case, not behind the bad
but the spacer on the driveshaft remains on the driveshaft when you pull the driveshaft out of the chaincase, so do you remember pounding it off with a peice of wood or plastic mallet, as there is a o-ring inside it and it fits very snuggly on the driveshaft. If you removed the driveshaft and didnt do this then you never took it off, do you understand what i mean now?
New member
Mrviper, I'm referring to the spacers with o-rings (behind the case). Now I'm double paranoid, I guess I could have all 4 spacers misplaced.
pm me your phone number, i can clear this up in 1 min vs 20 post.
New member
Mine didn't stick to the driveshaft.
I bet it stuck and you didnt even know it came off the shaft. The driveshaft is the bottom one, the jackshaft is the top one, the jackshaft spacer does not fit anywhere near as snug as the driveshaft one does, if you didnt pound it off you never removed it so you couldnt have messed up the spacers.
The part to which you refer to the manual has to do with the spacers on the jackshaft,top one that control the spacing for the brake disc as if you dont put them back on the disc will hit/rub on the inside of the chaincase and bind up the jackshaft.
The part to which you refer to the manual has to do with the spacers on the jackshaft,top one that control the spacing for the brake disc as if you dont put them back on the disc will hit/rub on the inside of the chaincase and bind up the jackshaft.
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Im way off in spacer talk now. I was thinking of different spacers. I know know what mr viper is talking about and i never removed them. Never had a need to?
Active member
i think i forgot to grease mine..... will that cause the seal to fail?
I am very much aware what spacers we are talking about with the o-rings inside them as the chaincase gear spacing spacers dont have the o-rings, I figured tyou might have confused these as its common.
So...I went out to the shop and had a chaincase sitting on shelf, I dont have the spacers but simply measured from the bearing side to the lip seal, the top is .322" the bottom is .341", so that tells me the top spacer is shorter then the bottom spacer is as they both would need to protrude past the lip seal to seal in the oil in the chaincase.
when you put it back together did the brake caliper drop right back on the brake disc or was it misaligned and you had to pry the pads?
would need for you to measure the end of the reluctor (thats the finned thing the speedo picks its signal up from) to the tunnel to compare if the driveshaft is sticking in or out more then it should. I will go see what I can measure on my viper and post it for you to compare yours too.
So...I went out to the shop and had a chaincase sitting on shelf, I dont have the spacers but simply measured from the bearing side to the lip seal, the top is .322" the bottom is .341", so that tells me the top spacer is shorter then the bottom spacer is as they both would need to protrude past the lip seal to seal in the oil in the chaincase.
when you put it back together did the brake caliper drop right back on the brake disc or was it misaligned and you had to pry the pads?
would need for you to measure the end of the reluctor (thats the finned thing the speedo picks its signal up from) to the tunnel to compare if the driveshaft is sticking in or out more then it should. I will go see what I can measure on my viper and post it for you to compare yours too.
Im way off in spacer talk now. I was thinking of different spacers. I know know what mr viper is talking about and i never removed them. Never had a need to?
LOL, ya we are all in spacer land
i think i forgot to grease mine..... will that cause the seal to fail?
well hopefully your fingers were somewhat greasy/oily when you put it back together. Once the sled is run the oil is drawn in from the chaincase and keeps the spacer and seal with a slight bit of lube on it. A sealed bearing still will draw in some oil between the seal and the center hub as it spins.
So more then likely you have nothing to worry about if it was run before it will have already had some lube in the seal,etc.