Hi. Have a 2001 srx with mrviper700 lakerace porting, case and cylinder. Mach z carbs. Viper gearing (reverse) 38mm track and lynx pps skid.
Have a 50/40 helix that I want to use if possible. Want a good setup for trail. Any ideas?
Have a 50/40 helix that I want to use if possible. Want a good setup for trail. Any ideas?
Ask don he did the motor so im sure he knows good setup for that motor
start with red primary spring, 5-6 grams heel weight, empty center hole and 5.5 grams tip weight, 50/40 with green yamaha sec spring at 70-80 twist.
Looking for 8100-8200 at the start and settle in at 86-8700rpm peak, no more then 8700rpm or the cdi retards the timing. 23/38 gearing for lake and long open trail, if alot of short tight trail riding, go 22/38.
Looking for 8100-8200 at the start and settle in at 86-8700rpm peak, no more then 8700rpm or the cdi retards the timing. 23/38 gearing for lake and long open trail, if alot of short tight trail riding, go 22/38.