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That is set by the idle screw and all three are sync'd to the master. Easy way to sync carbs is to take a drill bit, i use a 1/4" and adjust the idle so you can just slide the drill bit under the master valve. (cant remember which ones the master off top of my head) When you take the 3 carb tops off you will see that one is put in with a set screw and no adjuster, I/E master. Then adjust the other two to be the same. Then just readjust idle to your liking when you put all back together and fire it up. I keep my idle around 1200 to get rid of idle hang so my gap(a) will be different then someone who sets the idle at 1800 which is stock. Not sure you wanted to know how to sync carbs but kinda explains what the gap (a) is.

That is set by the idle screw and all three are sync'd to the master. Easy way to sync carbs is to take a drill bit, i use a 1/4" and adjust the idle so you can just slide the drill bit under the master valve. (cant remember which ones the master off top of my head) When you take the 3 carb tops off you will see that one is put in with a set screw and no adjuster, I/E master. Then adjust the other two to be the same. Then just readjust idle to your liking when you put all back together and fire it up. I keep my idle around 1200 to get rid of idle hang so my gap(a) will be different then someone who sets the idle at 1800 which is stock. Not sure you wanted to know how to sync carbs but kinda explains what the gap (a) is.

when we cleaned my father in laws carbs on a 2002 Viper it had 2 adjusters? the were on 1 and 3?
New member
1 and 3 are where the adjusters are but I'm looking for the stock height because I want to set mine back to stock. My vmax manual says 1.2mm so I figured the Viper would be close. Mine currently are more like 2mm which looks huge.

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Unless there is a way to adjust the master that I don't know about? The master height is set by the idle screw. Im sure there is a stock spec but i dont have a tunner manual in fron of me. I think when new during assembly the give them a carb slide height which will correspond to a correct idle or be darn close. But the minute you adjust your idle for any reason that gap changes. So I would sync the carbs as explained and you will be set. Then adjust the idle once started. Then don't forget to adjust your throttle cable slack so your not to tight and banging off the torrs.
New member
I understand how to adjust the carbs, it's quite easy, I am just looking for the gap that the factory sets them to. It's a new sled to me so I'm going over it 100%.
I guess I'll just make sure they're synced and then adjust the idle speed once the snow flies
I guess I'll just make sure they're synced and then adjust the idle speed once the snow flies

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1.2mm is correct for the viper as per the 03 manual.

Super Moderator
I never said you didnt understand how to adjust the carbs, but once you do set that spec to 1.2mm as it turns out the moment you start and adjust the idle the Gap will change. THe idle screw moves that slide up and down changing the gap. Plus these carbs are now going to be 12 yrs old. What was spec 12 years ago will no longer be in spec due to wear and such. JUst trying to help but i guess i dont know what im talking about.
New member
I appreciate the help. I don't mind if the gap changes later, I'm just trying to start out at the stock baseline. It's a new-to-me sled and I'm getting ready to clean the carbs... I bet they're nasty on inside, to idle low with such a large throttle valve gap.
New member
Turns out the carbs were spotless on the inside, with nothing in the filters. The two outside throttle valves were around 0.14mm higher than the center so I adjusted them all even, to the factory spec.