proper clutch engagement.


New member
Sep 25, 2013
gaylord mi
Hey everyone. Question is over the summer I bought a new to my 99 srx in mint condition for 575 bucks. I have put a dalton 54/46 helix on. 8dn20 weights 4.5 in each hole www spring and green secondary. I choose this set up mostly for agressive trail from what i have read. I have never seen any engagement numbers mine is at 3500 to 3600.Is this normal or should it be higher. Thanks.
You might try adding shims to the primary spring to bring up engagement or get a spring with similar shift characteristics only a higher preload.I'm using that same setup in my ported 01 but for the life of me I can't remember the engagement rpm.
Yea i read alot about mr vipers clutch set up and it always gives top rpm and shift out but never what the engagement is so i was not sure if this was normal or i should be higher..
are you checking it on a stand or with you on the seat on the ground?? because that spring is a 45kg start , so it should be right around 3900-4000rpm engagement speed.

try and put the sled on the ground, sit on it and try it. If its still low then :
1.) someone could have changed to smaller rollers in the clutch, you want to use the stock 15.6mm rollers, possible someone went and put 15mm rollers in it. Something to check.
2.) it could have a aftermarket belt on it, some of them dont hold a good tolerance widthwise compared to the stock 8dn belt. A wider belt will bump the sheave sooner. Also, The belt deflection should be set to the tight side, meaning with the sled up on a jackstand adjust the deflection by the washers on back of secondary clutch till the track will just slowly rotate at idle.
mr viper thanks for the info on the engagement. It was on a stand and it does not have the 8dn belt so i am going to get that and wait for some more snow and see where i am at for engagement.
your welcome, let us know if you have any other questions. usually someone has been down the road before with what you ask about so its easy to find the issue. Ride safe!
Picked up a 8dn belt and engagement is a bit higher at 3600 to 3700 but not up at 3900, but close. I have an old chart that was given to dealers that show all the part numbers for all the springs and charts that show what weights do what. The 8dn belt part number on the chart has been superseded to a new part number and the dealer said there is a little difference between the old and the new as in width.
I read you can also use up to 3 shims for engagement without binding, will these actually get my engagement where it needs to be?
honestly, 200rpm is splitting hairs in my opinion, I would ride the sled first in snow and see if its something your tending to "think" is a problem or something that has a definite problem in the operation of the sled. When you shim that w/w/w spring its going to also affect the overall shift out. The softer shift out is what makes you use that w/w/w spring in the first place, thats the gain, it loads the engine faster then a y/w/y spring does and shifts quicker. The springs 45kg start is the same as most of the other good yamaha springs for the long cover, so just changing that wont gain you anything.They(other springs from yamaha) will engage at the same speed because they are the same 45kg start. youd have to use a aftermarket spring with a 50kg start to get it higher. The higher the engagement on snow, the less traction you get, 3900-4000 isnt high, just saying when you progress going higher what happens.

By shimming that w/w/w spring youll more then likely just be at almost the next spring which is a y/w/y spring, (45kg/128kg), or dang close which is a slower upshift,more rpm upshift. Your engagement will be higher but the shift wont be the same as intended, thats your choice.

I also would double check the roller size in the front clutch as if someone installed or used 15mm rollers not only does it lower the engagement but also the shift rpm, so then youll be looking to see why your low on peak rpm as well. It should have 15.6mm rollers in it.

I have never had a problem with the set up, this is why i pointed out the first things that came to my mind on the belt,rollers,etc, theres usually a cause behind why something doesnt work as planned in a set up.

check them rollers if you get the chance. hope this helps.
Alright got out and rode about 15 miles this morning as we have about 8 inches of snow right now..I am pretty impressed with the whole sled as it engages around 3800 with me sitting and riding it. it is running 8500 to 8700 rpm at wide open throttle. it is a 99 srx with the 8dn20 weight 4.5 rivits in both holes www spring and green secondary with 54/46 helix at 60degrees. I read the 99;s should be at 8350 for max rpm. How would i bring the max rpm down. thanks
well if i add a washer i will have to get new rivets and install washer because they are hammered on pretty flat right now. can i switch the helix to 70 and lower the rpm that way? I know you "mr viper" in many threads say never adjust the rpms with the secondary and only use the weights in the primary for rpms. I am just trying to dial the sled in i plan on racing the machanics in the shop on dec 1st when the trails open. he runs older arctic cats and it pretty fast.The other sales guys will be running an 800 etec and new sleds but i wanted to get an srx cause one i love yamaha and they run for ever and we carry yamaha, ski-doo and polaris so i wanted a brand we carry. They always slammin the yamaha for heavy non weight transfer and good stuff like that. We are running about 3/4 mile run. It is the straight stretch just along the dealership. I plan on winning primarly cause i see srx;s on youtube always winning so i expect the same lol.
in post 12, you said you had the rear clutch at 60 degrees, so if you go to 70 youll increase rpm not lower it.

yes, youll have to replace the rivet when you add the washer, they are pretty cheap the cost of the rivets.....

add a washer to each tip and leave it be. having to add a tip washer with the set up in a 98-99 srx is a good thing, that means its running well,making good power.
Yes it is at 60 and i like where it is at and deflection is great on the clutch. Everything is running great and the sound of the sled is like an indy car and it is just awesome.. how big of a washer should i use. or am i better off adding just a larger rivet. thanks..
just use a washer around 1 gram, make sure it doesnt stick up above the ramp top surface. Use a small digital gram scale like the ones you can get at staples or office max, makes it alot more simple to know what you are adding.
Sounds good. I am ordering them this morning and i will find some washers to fit.. I should have them friday and if the snow does not melt i will give a update as to how she does.. thanks
So i put 1.12 gram washer on the tip of the weights. The rpm went down alot to 8100.. It did not have the pull it had prior. Put the orginal set up in and it pulls like a freight train.. Going to leave it and ride it where it pulls at 8500 to 8600. If anyone is wondering this set up is awesome and it WILL beat the new sleds in a drag race. 2014 ski poo 800etec and a polaris 800 assault. Out of the hole they pulled an easy 4 sleds then it was as if they were standing still when i went by them.. If your in northern mi it is now snowmobile time with about 16 inches on the ground..
