jdub-viper 700
New member
I do not have any input, but would love to hear what you think of them after you test them out
I have a set of the powderhounds. You'll like them.
jdub-viper 700
New member
I will let you know how they are when we actually get snow
....jthemmer, how are the powder hounds?

Awesome. Look good and perform well. I'm very happy with them, I went with blue with white loops.
New member
The powder hounds work very well. All around a great ski.
Backwoods M Max
New member
I have the 7" on my mountain max and they are great. They float like a champ. They also have 4" carbides and the sled pushes like a bastard when under power in a corner on the trail, but as soon as you let off the throttle it will hook up and come around great. That's what you get riding a 141 on the trail to get to the deep snow.