New member
Are they any benefits of the big wheel kits besides looks?
Active member
Yes. The track will bend around a larger wheel more easily, taking less power to turn.
New member
Thanks Valin
Active member
You are welcome, although it's not something that will really be noticeable on a trail sled.
New member
Gotcha, any experience with the boss seats?
Active member
I have seen them, but I have never ridden a sled with one. I think they would be fine for a trail application, but I found that they sit too high for a race application. We always just modified the stock seats. They are damn light though.
New member
They are very comfortable. Just picked one up for my viper.
I run both a big wheel kit and a boss seat. As Valin said they are designed to allow the track to rotate more freely. The boss seat is also quite lighter than stock. It really isn't too bad for the trail. Haven't been uncomfortable yet for the little trail I ride though. I have both of these on an Apex Mtn.
I have both Boss Seats and 8" wheels on a SXR. The Seat is great, highly recommend. The 8" wheels are nice for rolling resistance, but I would NOT buy billet wheels again. The snow and ice have a tendency to build up on the outer edge of the wheel. This inturns make a "lump" ride until the ice breaks off. The cost of 8" billet wheels are not worth the minimal effect they do. Al

VIP Member
Spray silicone or WD-40 keeps the billet wheels free of ice. I've never really noticed a decrease in ride quality when my billets got iced up, but I've been told to spray them, to keep them from icing up.
Thanks for the advise. I will try it this winter. The two outers are billet, the two inners are standard wheels 8" dia. Very easy install as well.