cant hook up


New member
Jan 17, 2011
i have an 04 mtn viper everything stock as far as suspension just played with gearing. I cant get this sled to hook up. i have watched the pro action video and set it to what they recomend. Is it worth stretching to a 153 or something? The motor is very resonsive and feels like the skis should never be on the ground but i just spin. its a 144x2 stock track. any input on skid upgrade or track would be appriciated. or if anyone has the proaction skid tweeked so it works good let me know of any suggestions
You have provided few details of your actual suspension setup but I would recommend more preload on your springs to force the track to the ground. Try tucking you rear up a little and letting the center (front) limiter strap out. this will get a little more weight to the rear under acceleration to help the track dig into the snow.
i have the staps as loose as they can go. the front shock on the stiffest setting and the rear shock one the second softest setting.
Firm up your rear shock. It needs to use the spring to force to track into the ground. On a motocross bike you must have your rebound set fast enough(less damping) to let the spring force the tire to the ground...but too fast and it will come around in the turns. Make any sense?
You said you watched the video(which is a good reference). Have you gone through BETHEVIPER's thread on how to set up the skid?
