Flexi-ski carbide wear


VIP Lifetime Member
Dec 10, 2009
Hey all
any way to fix the carbide wear on my flexi-skis?
Fronts wore right down backs look new, 1500kms last year and were shimmed

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://s789.photobucket.com/user/stittsvegas/embed/slideshow/"></iframe>
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usually the first section is flat anyways.You have to shim the ski so when the sled is sitting on the floor,the very front of the actual carbide(be it a 4 or 6 inch carbide) is slightly elevated on the front of them.Also with Simmons skis you have to have basically 0 toe out or very slight toe out.If yours don't show that slight elevation,something is not right.Get me a pic of the saddle from the side,want to see if they are the right ones...
got it..something is wrong,why are there 2 holes in the saddle,supposed to be only one.Put the bolt to the rear hole which should be the original.You have it in the forward hole which puts a ton of pressure to the front of the ski.Look at your saddle and my saddle..notice something.

who drilled that forward hole anyways??????????????????
I do run them in the rear hole
Not sure why there are two holes
They were like that when I bought them from another member
I will check them again when the sled is on the ground
I will run the carbides for this season and see how they wear
you have to make sure the carbides are off the floor in the front when your sled is sitting,otherwise you should have a hard time steering in the snow and will plough and dart more..good luck then
oh yeah and your skis will wear prematurely also..not good
