trailer vs carbides


Active member
Jan 10, 2013
ontario GTA
what do you guys do to save the edge of your trailers from the carbides ripping it up? the aluminum edge of my dual sled Triton enclosed trailer is getting destroyed. i did buy a product called "edge guild", its basically a flip up plastic piece that mounts to the edge, but it wont work because it gets in the way of the lid. so lets hear your solutions/ tricks you use to save your trailers!
The guy I got my 04 R&R ride IN/OUT 14ft clamshell actully had replacement aluminuim made up for the front TWICE. The ski guides on the ramp protect while loading but do nothing while unloading. I pondered screwing down a hy-fax along the edge of the aluminum on the front (V style) to get from deck of trailer to ski guide on ramp with out snagging carbide on aluminum strip......still on my "to do" list.
hmmm good idea! maybe i take it to a tig welder and get them to put a little ramp like piece on the edge
I have the ramps on a 98 Triton clam shell and they work great. clam shuts just fine and saves the edge from being ruined. You may have to play with where to mount them. but have no issues with mine.
