anyone ever had and luck with clutching sxr500


New member
Sep 10, 2003
hey i'm looking to put heel clickers on a 2000 sx500r. what spring should i use and has anyone ever had any luck with clutching a 500. thanks
Not sure if HC makes a weight light enough, but Thunder Shift does, it's totally adjustable too, and the over all quality is said to be better.

Thunder Shift makes Heavy Hitters...or you could go with my set up that's in the users clutch set up page....good luck, it's well worth it!
Your set up rocks John. Today was the first chance I had to get some real riding in and the clutching is McFantastic. My buddies stock SX700R barely pulls away from me from like 20-80mph. Backshifting is night and day compared to before. And the little beast still pulls triple digits on the speedo. I'm happy!
