Srx primary


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Hey guys lookin at pulling my primary apart to clean it up what do I need and how do I go about doing it any help would be appreciated thanx guys
Need to buy a primary clutch puller for that clutch like a new apex one will work as they are the same. Step on the clutch with your foot when the clutch is flat on the ground with a towel or something soft and take the 6 bolts off the cover and pull spring out and take all rollers apart and clean with brake clean or carb cleaner and replace spring with original one.
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go buy a 10-12" long threaded bolt with a couple of big washers to help hold the spring cap in place, the springs are not that hard to change but the bolt will make it a lot easier and you have to watch the cap bushing don't F it up there an exspensive little bugger

If you mean by breaking it down your going to need a grunt tool and a clutch holder then you can split the spider, then change the inner bushings and the clutch buttons as thyey have been in there since the sled was new, make sure everything is nice and tight if your going to be running radar runs your going to need everything your sled has to offer

I found if you wash your clutches in hot soapy water they come very clean no belt dust of any sort then spray it down with brake clean
