New member
I changed my srx skis over to 2010 apex skis and because they have no saddle like the srx ones its lowered the front end about 2" what effect will this have if any in regards to handling /driving. thanks
New member
It should only be lowered 1", but your handling won't be as good & you'll probly bottom out more often. Srx ski has a nice keel on the bottom that helps a lot with handling
New member
I ran both sets last year...2011 apex skis, don't think there is much of a difference between 10s & 11s. But the apex skis were great in the powder as they are longer & wider, srx skis are better for groomed trail
New member
I found the keel on srx ski was so aggressive it cause some serious darting. Now i only run groomed trails and good packed lake trails. These sleds arent very good breaking trail especially with the tiny lug track they come with. But the darting is crazy bad ,so much so i use the whole trail lol.
Active member
Have you tried the ski bumper shim in the tech section? That raises up the front of the ski to cut down on the darting.
you can get back that inch by flipping the brackets on the frame. do a search for directions. simple. if you want the sled to handle better, buy some tuner skis for it, ditch the stockers
blueblood, if your SRX is darting as bad as you describe, you need to check your sled over very carefully as these sleds aren't know to "use the whole trail". I've ridden stock ski SRX's since 1999 and never had that much trouble with darting, or handling in general. If anything, these sleds are rock solid trail handlers, just a ball to ride thru the corners on a smooth trail. In fact, Apex's are much more well known for darting, and I can attest to that as well (...and it can be fixed).
New member
Yes, they handle awesome with the stockers! You definitely need to tighten a few things up...possibly replace some bushings.
New member
X2 On the bushings. That was the problem on my viper, skis had play in them, the sleeves and bi metal bushings were worn.
New member
Dont know what to tell ya ,i maintain sled almost a little ocd about it, all new bushings ,,bearings, change fluids every season , its pic'd good carbides... sled when your on it is straight and pulls hard lighen the throttle and its a toboggan. It s all over the place. The sled has never been rolled or hit nor have i ever crashed . The alignment is right ,nothing is bent . The sled is tight i dont know why but it darts so i just figured it was that big keel on the factory ski so i figured id try a different ski .just wasnt sure if dropping the front end if it would cause either too much weight over the skis or would it actually cause the skis to lift and loose the weight as rear suspension compressed.
New member
Your still going to have the same amount of weight over the skis no matter what kind of skis you put on. I liked the way the apex skis handled, just didn't like the fact I was one inch lower and bottoming out a lot more...check to see if your handle bars have a little wiggle in them before the skis actually start to move. Even tho might front end is tightened up l, I still notice a bit of play in that area.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
My 00 srx is similar(only on hard pack trail) with stock skis on it. Wouldn't go as far as saying its a tobagan. Accelerating or cruising along its fine. Put the fun flipper down and its fine all the way up...let off on flipper and she has a little dart/wander as I am coasting. Getting back on flipper and it goes away. Breifly check alignment and it seemed fine. I am assumeing its just a little off as I didn't check "track run out" or what ever its called nor was there any weight on sled. Reading "Bethevipers" how to threads you should duplicate your weight (with gear included) while setting suspension/alingment
I had srx skis on my viper, had the exact same thing. with the throttle down it was fine, but once you let off it was a fight to keep it on the trails.
I did an alighnment and it help alittle but still was there. then I manage to wear my carbides down till one broke off! and they were new that season.
after getting new carbides it stopped completely. with the old carbides all my wear was on the front. with the new ones the front of the carbide was an 1/8th inch of the concrete on the front.
If you don't need new carbides try the ski shim trick.
I did an alighnment and it help alittle but still was there. then I manage to wear my carbides down till one broke off! and they were new that season.
after getting new carbides it stopped completely. with the old carbides all my wear was on the front. with the new ones the front of the carbide was an 1/8th inch of the concrete on the front.
If you don't need new carbides try the ski shim trick.
adjust your rear to take some weight off of the skis....
if you look at your runners and the front is worn more then the middle and rear, you need to shim the ski saddles. Very common issue on the srx, once you shim them they stop darting. They will likely dart with another ski also, its just the spot where the ski attaches to the spindle and the caster and such set into the trailing arm, shim em and it will improve it 110%
if you look at your runners and the front is worn more then the middle and rear, you need to shim the ski saddles. Very common issue on the srx, once you shim them they stop darting. They will likely dart with another ski also, its just the spot where the ski attaches to the spindle and the caster and such set into the trailing arm, shim em and it will improve it 110%
what he said