SRX reeds


Active member
Dec 26, 2011
Central Wisconsin
Just took out my reeds and noticed 4 of them were slightly chipped up at the tips so I'm going to replace them. Not sure if I should go with the OEM or Boyesen dual stage, which is better? If I would go with the boyesen do I need to do anything with my jetting?
I think I'll go with the OEM reeds, it just sucks that it has to take so long when ordering through Yamaha. I could have aftermarket reeds here in 24 hours.
Carbon Tech reed replacement pedals in the stock "cage" work really good, I've had good luck with them on my srx 700.
I do not know if it is the same for an srx, but in an sxr a set of carbon tech reeds in a stock cage is the ticket.
I should try the Carbon Tech's in the SRX.I have them in my SXR600 for like 7 years and they still look as good as the day they were put in..nice reeds
