2001 Venture 600 sled.


New member
Dec 15, 2003
Tach on 2001 Venture 600 sled. I just purchased it 2 weeks ago and it looks and runs like new. I took the battery out to get a full charge on her and I decided to take her out for a ride last night. I used the pull start to get her running and everything was fine. After riding for a while the tach started to jump up and down and then all of a sudden it was pegged and it is now stuck. Did I fry the tach because the battery was out? Can I fix it myself or do I have to buy a new one? Thanks for your help guys..
well I put the battery back in and double checked all the wires. The tach does bot move at all. I guess its cooked. Anyone no where I can get a new one for a good price? I was hoping to find a good deal on the net but I cant find anything.
