OEM fuel line


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
Why is it that dealers that carry the correct oem size any type of fuel line for sleds is so hard to find?It seems that everywhere I've checked all they seem to have is the clear fuel tubing,the problem with that stuff is it just doesn't last like the oem stuff.I realize it's no doubt a matter of dollars and cents but surely a dealer could buy a roll of the stuff from where ever Yamaha gets it,it can't be that hard to come by.If I can find a place that sells it I'll be buying a few feet of it to have seeings how it's so hard to find,around here at least.
Ya I am with ya the oe fuel oil lines are good but when they go bad have no choice to put that junk on that last only 2 yrs tops
Just tell the dealer to order the lines for you from Yamaha. They all have part numbers. Of course that will take more time than buying it off the shelf if you need it right away. Finding good quality line is one thing and as you said the other problem is finding the right size. Most of the time all that can be found is in standard size which is too small or too big. Metric is needed to fit right. You should also be able to find it on line. Tygon is high quality line.
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My dealer has been selling Yamaha's since the mid 70's. He stocks the longest length of each type of fuel/oil line availble from Yamaha and that's it. Works great. One fuel level hose from an Exciter is enough line to go from pumps to carbs on 3 Vmax-4's and costs about $10. Same goes for the other types/sizes of lines.

If your dealer won't take the time to figure this stuff out so they can supply OEM line to their walk in customers they should not be allowed to sell Yamaha's.

part #91A20-05145-00 is what i use for supply from fuel pump to carbs. must be around 6' in the package. somewhat of a pinkish/orangish color.

That part # is used in snowmobiles, quads, PWC's and it lists for $8.72. (cheap)

The other types of OEM line can be had the same way.

