Whats in my clutchs?


New member
Nov 24, 2005
Fairlee vt
I am servicing a new to me 94 vmax 4 and trying to figure out whats in these clutchs. The secondary was wrapped at 3-c with a white-pink spring. The Helix is stamped "89A4" and I can't find what angle this is. My primary weights are stamped "89A10" with 2 rivits. 16.5mm rollers. I don't know the exact weight because my scales are at my friends house. The primary spring is yellow and seems to very small wire size. The spring seems very soft, like it maybe sacked out.
This sled has a set of "fat pipes"? designed to run stock RPM, this is what I was told. Any recomended set ups for this sled? I was going to try YAMMIEGOD's stock pipe set up but don't know what my helix is. I also don't have stock weights. The thing that sucks is all my tuning parts are new Yammi, heel clkicker or artic cat. I have almost nothing for the old yammi clutches.
The sled seems to fall down a little right off idle but picks up after, RPM's seem low. Maybe I will order a new pirmary spring ( W-W-W), belt, and go from there.
almost sure the 94 vmax 4 came with 89a-10 weights , but i will double check. that yellow spring ain,t stock. i don,t know what that is. stock was yellow - pink- yellow. those are stock rollers. go to a w-w-w (NEED TALL COVER THOUGH). that spring in secondary is stock. leave secondary in c-3. its sluggish because your engagement is sacked. that helix is a 94 cam. angle is a 39, problem that you have is there is no cams anymore for these sleds. your down to a primary spring change. i also don,t know what '' fat pipes '' are. 3:16 (yammie tony)
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If it has a 6 stamped in it, its a 36 degree. A 9 stamped in it is 39 degree, 3 stamp is 33 degree, no stamp is 38 degree, R stamp is 42-37 .These are the marks for the 93 and 94 helixes only.
THE'' R'' STAMP IS THE ONE TO HAVE FOR THE 750 VMAX 4. HAUCK USE TO SELL THOSE CAMS ( 42/37) FOR ALOT OF YEARS, BUT NOT ANYMORE. NOT EASY TO FIND. next to a 800 swap over, thats the cam to run for a nice performance upgrade. 3:16 (yammie tony)
I actually found that helix in the pile of parts I got with my sled!!!!! New belt and W-W-w spring on the way!! I guess I also found a use for that brand new 911 cover I have sitting around. I got my scale back and found my primary weights are set at 57.0 grams. Has anyone tried heelclickers with these sleds? I have had really good luck with them on the 4 strokes. Is there someway to convert the Yammi spring specs to american? I have an EPI white primary that is a 150/360 but am not smart enough to convert it to the specs Yammi uses.
their was a guy that posted on VMAX4.COM a h/c set-up for the vmax 4. now with that said, the popular 4010-yb heel clickers won,t work on a vmax 4 without some machining to the spider. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Tony just bought a set of psi quads for the 96 800. pretty excited to get them on but i know jetting will be key and clutching, i got the stock set-up from you, and it's on the way, will that set-up work good with the psi quads on the 800?
www primary, and 48/42 helix is what you reccomended/
Also do you know of anyone who has set one of these up with a tempa flo set it and forget it set up..
their was a guy that posted on VMAX4.COM a h/c set-up for the vmax 4. now with that said, the popular 4010-yb heel clickers won,t work on a vmax 4 without some machining to the spider. 3:16 (yammie tony)

I ran the same setup in my MM 800 and it was spot on rpm's with a stock secondary spring wrapped at 60 with a 50/44 helix it just wasn't a fast setup more of a trail setup

no machining was needed for the heelclickers
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eric, set-up i gave ya was '' stock '' pipe set-up. if ya go to the psi quads you can use what i gave ya but the weights rivets must be changed and secondary twist. jetting like you posted also. never used a temp-flo.
andy, 40-10 yb that i used in my 2000 srx would not work in my 96 vmax 4 800. they did not fit in spider. i called h/c and was told spider had to be slightly machined to fit h/c profile. i went back to 8bu. there was a difference on my 800. 3:16 (yammie tony)
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Psi reccomends the stock weights but with a steel rivet and aluminum rivet, does that sound about right?
Also secondary spring twist is currently a 3 inside and 3 outside 3-3 for secondary
yes use the stock weights but don,t use the aluminum rivet. your gonna drill out tip rivet and add 4.5. these pipes will add hp. around 15-20. your clutching has to be changed for added hp, torque ,and rpm. thanks for pictures of clutches, YES YOUR STUFF LOOKS STOCK. 3:16 (YAMMIE TONY)
YIKES! I guess that EPI spring is a little rank for this application. The only problem I see is that everyone ( Dalton, EPI, Yamaha ) Measure thier springs at different lenths. Example--Dalton measures preload at 2.88", EPI ai 2 1/2" and Yamaha at ? I have been meaning to buy 1 of these http://www.recmotor.com/products/recreational-motorsports-clutch-spring-tester-tool-400-lbs/. For a while--maybe now is the time.

Always a good idea to have a spring tester as you can compare new springs, and also check used springs for changes in tension. There is a way to calculate the spring pressures at different lengths, and I will try to explain it clearly,

Each spring a constant rate of pressure change per a given distance, so that is the first thing you need to calculate. For example, if a spring has a pressure of 80 lbs at 2.5" and 300 lbs at 1.25", you simply divide the increase in spring pressure by the change in compressed length. In this case it is 220 lbs per 1.25". You always want to use lbs/inch of compression, so just divide 220 by 1.25 to get 176lbs/inch. Now you can calculate the pressure at any length you want up until the spring is coil binding.

You know the spring is 80 lbs at 2.5" and want to know what it is at 2.25". you are compressing the spring 1/4", so you will add 44 lbs (176lbs/inch * .25") to the pressure at 2.5" (80 lbs) to get 124 lbs at 2.25".

Hope I explained this well enough so that you understand. Sometimes I confuse people when I try to simplify things. :shock:
