srx secondary problems


New member
Nov 19, 2013
Madison Maine
so i just bought a 98 srx 700 and was taking it around the yard and all of a sudden i heard a clunk:whine: and pop the hood and the secondary is almost all the way open i only went like 20 so it shouldnt have even been open that much anyways i have no idea about clutching so any help is appreciated
my guess is that was tak,in apart at one time and not put back together right. need to get it off and than post a picture if ya can. 3:16 (yammie tony)
No clutch puller needed. Just remove the bolt and keep track of your spacers on the bolt. My guess would be the same as above. Broken spring.
my first guess was broken springs now though it looks like the bolt might have been loose or maybe not enough spacers could that do it
before you bring it to a shop what color is the dot on the spring and what numbers are the spring ends in. the holes in the helix and clutch are numbered. Also post a pick of the helix or any numbers on it (besides the spring hole numbers)
so i took the clutch apart cleaned it all in soap and water the spring was in hole three on both things put it back on it seems like its still doing it i think it might be the belt since the one i have is junk could i have done anything wrong putting it back together
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Junk belt, not enough spacers and loose retaining bolt shouldn't have anything to do with clutch fully opening and staying open, I suspect your onto something with the the "could I have done anything wrong putting it back together" theory.......That's where I would be looking first
the spring in it is black so it must not be stock the belt is complete junk so i am going to put a new one on how much am i supposed to wrap it i just put it to the first thing and figured that was how much it needed to be
You can spend time learning by searching here or you can spend money by taking it to a shop. Whatever you are more comfortable with. Do you have some snowmobile friends that can help you a little? Your junk belt has nothing to do with your clutch staying open. Either way good luck.
the spring in it is black so it must not be stock the belt is complete junk so i am going to put a new one on how much am i supposed to wrap it i just put it to the first thing and figured that was how much it needed to be

Yes, the springs are black but there should be a dot painted on one of the coils red= softest spring(stock) green= middle tension silver=highest tension. These springs lose there tension over time and need replacing.

you figure out the wrap by adding the 2 numbers your spring ends are in and multiplying by 10. in your case 3 inner + 3 helix = 6 x 10 = 60 degrees wrap. when you put the spring ends in the holes the studs won't line up with the helix. you then turn the helix clockwise to line up with the studs.
When you put the helix on the clutch you have to "clock" or pre wind the spring and by this I mean you set the spring in the holes you want,you said 3 and 3,so once that's done you twist the helix clockwise until the 3 bolts in the secondary sheave line up with the holes in the helix.This gives the spring a pre tension and this might be what your lacking if it's opening up but not closing itself back up.Other than that check the bushings,there's one in the helix and one in secondary sheave.These are steel bushings with a teflon (I think ) coating on them and if the coating is wore off they will stick open because you will have steel on steel,not good.I have a helix bushing do this once,the clutch would up shift but when I slowed down it wouldn't backshift.I had to lift the hood and hit the clutch to get it to close back up.
i see well i wrapped it right it just doesnt have enough tension can i set it a little tighter like say put it in hole four for now so when i buy a new spring i can redo the whole clutches with better stuff
should have a red dot on the spring and be wrapped to 80(2 and 6) position) then twist clockwise until you line up the 3 bolts to the holes.There will be tension when you twist it in to position.The cams of the helix will be past the cams of the secondary and against each other with the 3 bolts/holes line up.
