Good and bad


Lifetime VIP Member
Sep 25, 2012
Ottawa, Ontario,
Good news is we got about 10 inches of snow overnight.
Bad news is that I'm getting a vibration from the drive train... Looks like I'm gonna have to do drive shaft and jack shaft bearings.


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I can't beleive you got to drive
Vibration at high speed?
Took it out again to get a feel for the vibration.
It only seems to be at low speeds when decelerating. Feels/sounds like it's coming from the rear of the skid. Sorta like a drone. I'm just thinking it's the noise of the track. Never had a track with studs before
I know the skid is good. I went over it and changed everything that needed replacing.

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Is it a new track? If so what size lug and did you check the clearance on you exchanger protectors? may have to trim the track a little over the windows. Also if you put new slides on it check to see if the slides are hitting the clips as the track turns around your rear wheels.

if those check out it could very well just be the track noise. send some snow this way
It's a 1" kimpex ultimate traction, it is already notched and everything clears there. I did put new slides on, I'll check that. Thanks.


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If you didn't taper the end of the hyfax, that could be the case. I only run studded tracks, and never have had any noticeable difference in vibration studded or not.
belt was left off all summer, I tried two different belts. its not all that noticeable I think im just alittle paranoid.
gotta wait till we get more snow to really try it out
That's one thing I didn't do, I figured having a fairly new track on it they would have been done then. I'll see what I do yet, it's not that bad if a job to the the driveline bearings. Just doesn't really feel like that to me.

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