98 SRX making poor spark want to test stator


VIP Member
Dec 12, 2007
Wonder Lake
I have a 98 SRX giving me a lot of problems, its lazy and doesn't fire on all three,idles ok only wants to run 7000 rpm

Tried diffrent carbs, diffrent coils, and a couple cdi's I am leaning tward wire shaffing,or stator, I cant find many posts on rub throughs,stator testing,coil testing, I would like to narrow it down in order,what do I test first and so on. Thanks Paulieflyer!!
x2 on checking the flywheel for rust. I have had them where the stator gets flash rusted and does this, youll have to pop off the flywheel to clean it if its rusted on the stator, sometimes its from outside storage or in a enclosed trailer with less then adequate venting, condensation gets in there and flash rust it.

next thing is likely the stator, easy way to tell is to unplug the headlight and the tail light, see if it runs better, more rpm if it does, its weak
I've got the test manual in my shed I'll see if I can get a photo copy of the page with the test specs for the mag and send it to ya.
Yes it was rust on the flly wheel, I took it off along with the stator and pickup, I sanded it with medium grit wet sandpaper using WD-40 instead of water,then polished it with Mothers,the stator looks it has been clear coated so I just used some cleaner to clean it up,
I was wondering if I could lightly sand the stator,then spray some clear on it, the spark is excelent it runs well. Maybe it would help the headlight, 98-99 are not the best !!
