Mountain Viper Cables


New member
Mar 17, 2011
Tottenham, ON
How much longer are the mountain viper cables than the stock ones? will i be able to fit a 6" riser with them? and from my understanding they changed from 2 cables in the throttle lever to 1 in 2004? so id have to get cables off the 2003 model right?
I changed my 04 and 05 mtn vipers from stock to a 4.5" rise. I've heard that if you go over 3 " of rise you really need to start thinking of going aftermarket. I ended up having my cables made up by I believe Motion Pro. They did a great job and fabricated new cables with 6" more then a stock mtn viper cable. I went out and elongated everything; parking break cable, choke cable, break line and I even soldered all the handlebar wires with an additional 10 inches just in case I wanted more rise. The thing to watch out for if you do have the throttle / oil cable fabricated is that the oil cable hardware may be slightly different. The oil cable end was fabricated with a threaded hardware piece that was about 6 mm longer then the stock and I didn't catch it. When setting up my oil cable I thought I was full throw on the oil pump arm but I wasn't because the oil cable arm was hitting the oil cable's end hardware rather then going full throw. this caused me a small almost undetectable oil starvation problem. I ended up having to top end my viper but at least I figured it out. I'm loving my 4.5 inch risers for playing in the powder. Such a difference. I do know that 04 and 05 vipers have one cable coming off the throttle which split into two cables. Not sure what year they changed. 03 may be the last of the two cable to flipper sleds. Good luck on it and learn from my mistake if you have them fabricated. Now I use a cheap borescope to verify the oil arm is not hitting the cable end when setting up the oil cable.
Mountain Viper cables are longer than standard Viper cables. How much, I'll have to check, I have both sleds sitting in my garage. You may also need the brake line though. As far as the oil pump arm going full throw; it doesn't need to go full throw anyways.
I talked to a parts guy at the dealer we go to, he said I'd need a brake hose, a brake cable and the throttle cables... But he didn't know how much longer they were. Right now I have a 3 inch block for my shorty viper but want to be able to go 6" if I choose to.. Has anybody fit a 6" with man viper cables ?
I just put a 4 inch riser on my 02 viper and ordered mountain viper throttle choke and brake cables and hose and when I received them found out that they were exactly the same length as my stock ones! So took them back and rerouted the stock ones and ordered a longer aftermarket brake line. The cables are very tight but seem to work, but havent had it out on the snow to make sure everything works in the field. Now I have to disconnect my throttle and choke cable at the throttle flipper in order to remove my airbox. Anything over 4 inch and you would have to buy all aftermarket cables,from my experience.
Really eh? The same length... The guy at the dealer said from the drawings they were probably the same length but I didn't believe him
I picked a mtn viper throttle/oil cable last year. They are not the same as standard viper ones. Gabenator, the place you bought them from ordered you the wrong parts. When I went to order mine I explained to the dealer that I wanted to put a riser on my srx and he knew exactly what I needed and we talked about how it had to be the mtn viper cable because it was longer than stock. It was quite a common request for him he said.
I used a viper mountain cable on my mountain max since it doesn't have the bent piece of tubing, I can come right off the carbs and across the airbox. I went around and around with the 03 viper mountain oil cable, ordered 2 of them in fact since I thought maybe the parts were different from what they were suppose to be. The part number on the bag was right, but a different part number on the housing. After buying 2 sets, I ended up going back to the mountain max oil cable. It is actually an inch longer on the housing than the viper oil cable. I had used a set of powermadd cables and adjustable risers and to start I was on the powermadd cables. They were too stiff and I found that the bars were too tall. As I lowered the risers I finally reached a point where I could put the stock MM oil cable back on, and routed through the air box. I ditched the parking brake for a velcro strap in my tank bag. I like having the factory cable to know my oil pump is right. Rode about 120 miles last year, and I know the oil pump was in the ballpark but for the long run I want the right thing on there. Choke is a non issue since it's mounted in the cowl. I did have to extent all the wiring on the bars by 6" though.

You might not like the results of a 6" block in there. With the pull back angle of the stock bars you end up with a lot of setback, and add a straight block and you get even more. I was originally running a 2" block on mtn max cables and it pushed me off the back of the sled, I couldn't stay forward on it. If you rebuild with a more vertical rise setup, you gain more with less because you are also able to stay more forward on the running boards and because of the taper in the tunnel the bars feel higher the closer you can stay to the foot wells.

Old Bars.jpgbars side.jpgbars front.jpgIMG_1577.jpg

It was nice to be able to start with the bars taller than I needed and adjust down, but looking at what I started at leaves me going what was I thinking. The bars have 3.5" rise, the risers are 9" fully extended and you get .75" out of the t-post adapter. They were too tall, but I got there where I wanted and engraved the outside bolts so I don't ever go taller than where they are now and have a cable problem. It just takes a little shake and jiggle to get the airbox out to pull the carbs.
stagss65 - how much longer are the mtn viper ones? right now i have a 3" powermadd block that i traded some guy my pocket bike for, but i was looking at a 4-6" adjustable rox pivoting riser , and dont want to have to get new cables again. What about RSI cables? i googled and cant find a website or anywhere to buy them.. nor do i know which ones i need
stagss65 - how much longer are the mtn viper ones? right now i have a 3" powermadd block that i traded some guy my pocket bike for, but i was looking at a 4-6" adjustable rox pivoting riser , and dont want to have to get new cables again. What about RSI cables? i googled and cant find a website or anywhere to buy them.. nor do i know which ones i need

The powermadd/rsi/spi/whoever else sells them cables are about 10" longer than stock. The cables are noticeably stiffer and they oil adjuster is of a different style. The amount of exposed cable from the end of the adjuster is different too. I went round and round trying to confirm to myself that I had the oil pump adjusted properly and while I think I was close enough, it wasn't worth gambling the motor on it. Once I had the bars where I want to leave them, I took the old cables off with careful routing made my stock oil and viper mtn throttle work, and they are way less stiff than before.
8" RSI bars on "3 RSI 45 deg. risers, stock cables & brake hose. Still have to do wires but it'll work if you re-route.


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As far as the oil pump arm going full throw; it doesn't need to go full throw anyways.

6 mm makes a big difference. Ask my girlfriend!

It may not need to go full throw but it didn't go far enough that's for sure. Since the tollerance is +- 1 mm at full throw I'm pretty sure the aftermarket hardware was the culprit. No problems since. Carbs had always been cleaned prior to first ride.

x3 mtn viper cables are longer then standard viper cables.
6 mm makes a big difference. Ask my girlfriend!

It may not need to go full throw but it didn't go far enough that's for sure. Since the tollerance is +- 1 mm at full throw I'm pretty sure the aftermarket hardware was the culprit. No problems since. Carbs had always been cleaned prior to first ride.

x3 mtn viper cables are longer then standard viper cables.

No, it's +- 1 mm of the gap measurement at the adjuster which is nowhere near full throw on the pump but whatever we;ve pretty much kicked the horse to death on this thread
Staggs, when you pull the outer cable up to adjust the free play, you are effectively sending the oil pump to full throw. Then you adjust the gap between cables to 21.5 mm (+- 1mm) so when you let it back down it is sitting 21.5 mm below full throw of the oil pump (possibly a little more because when you let it back down it sits in a recess that wasn't part of the measurement). Granted the +- 1mm is just saying you can be 20.5 to 22.5 mm on the gap measurement.

My point is that when I pulled up on the cable prior to adjusting for 21.5 mm, I was already 6 mm lower then where it was suppose to be. And the only reason why I'm mentioning this is so someone doesn't make the same mistake that I make if they decide to have cables fabricated. This is a dead horse but here's the procedure from the book.

1. Loosen the locknut.
2. Pull the oil pump outer cable and adjust the free play
between the adjuster and outer cable by turning the adjuster in or out.
Pump cable free play a:
20.5 ± 1.0 mm (0.81 ± 0.04 in)
