carburetor ?s


Sep 15, 2009
Jefferson, WI
well I was replaing a couple of screws that hold the carb bowls together cause quite a few of them wouldnt come out and were stripped well one was stripped real bad that the head broke an so I had to drill it out well I started with a small drill bit but had to use a bigger bit, and just as I was getting to the bottom of the screw the bit must've had a dull spot cause it ended up going a little sideways and a little piece of metal from where the screw goes through broke off son of a! so now Im wondering what I should do. I looked from the side and it appears that there is a little hole and Im wondering can I use jb weld to seal that up ? cause Im sure that wont help the sled run good with an air leak? any suggestions?
Is the hole just on the carb bowl or the. Carb itself. If its just the bowl part ask around here for a new one or get it welded. I wouldn't trust jb weld. If it fails out and causes a big leak boooom!
the hole is on the carb itself at the top of the carb bowl where it attaches to the carb. I cant remember which side but its one of the outside carbs. Am I basically sol now? Cause You cant just buy one new carb I'd have to buy all 3?
cool thanks for the offer staggs, so would I just have to take all the jets and stuff from mine and put on the carb rack from you?
well i just went an took a look at the carbs and the one that has the hole is the far left one closest to the clutch. But then I was looking at the other 2 carbs and after closer inspection a little piece of metal broke off almost in the same spot but on the right side carb. It doesnt appear to be a big piece broken off maybe that piece was just a little weak. There doesnt seem to be like there would be a leak like the other one. Man this is not helping me in my quest to get my sled ready! So at this point what would be my best bet?
When you put the carbs back together, use stainless steel socket head cap screws (allen head) for the 4 screws per float bowl. The OEM float bowl screws on every carb I have ever worked on are a problem waiting to happen. Hopefully you can find them at a local hardware store, home depot or automotive store.

Yea your right pics would definitely help explain this better, but Ill have to try to get some pics up. That's a really good idea I know my local hardware store carries those so Ill have to go an see if they have any in the right size. Thanks for the tip cant wait to get those carbs from staggs and get everything back together.
