Powder ski's VS Trail ski's


New member
Nov 7, 2013
Albany, NY
Right now i have a set of SLP ultra light ski's on my 98 srx. I am going to get another pair of the slp ski's in blue instead of the black ones i have now. I like the look of the slp powder ski's better than the trail ski's cause they are wider. So my question is, does anyone run powder ski's on their trail sled? and if so, how is the handling compared to a normal trail ski? Or should i just stay with the ultra light trail ski's?
the powder pros are suppose to be good on the trails because of the tri-keel design. Any of the powder skis with a keep will turn well on the trail. Some of the powder skis are just flat, and they will push lke crazy.
I just finished putting a set of USI triple threat X2s on my 00 SRX. 7" wide with a similar tri-keel design as the Powder pros (have a set of those on my Viper s) except the USI center keel is much taller. Similar to a ski running Bergstroms ski saver. I am running the Bender steering knuckle (increases leverage) Picked them near new for half the price of new. We don't have enough snow to get a good feel for them yet but I am thinking they should do the trick. We get a pretty fair amount of snow around here by no means any thing close to mountain type snow but after you have dug a SRX out a time or two you develop a distaste for it!
I tried a set of slp powder pros on my srx 2 years ago. They sent me flying off my sled a couple times and damn near broke my wrist! The problem was when I was boondocking across fields in 1-1 1/2 feet of snow that had a crust on top of it. The ski would break through and I think because of the deep keel it would dig in and jerk the handle bars to that side. I actually bent and twisted my handlebars trying to hold on, it was pretty dangerous to ride. I think it has something to do with there being so much weight on the front of the srx because my cousin has them on his AC crossfire and they work good for him.
I don't know what they would be like for trail riding but I highly recommend staying away from them for boondocking in deeper snow. I have a set of ski's from a 2008 nytro on it now and it handles great. The only time I'll ever use those powder pros again is when I go to the mountains for riding in the soft powdery stuff.
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any pics of them ski's both you gys are talking about.I have USI single keel now.I need something wider as well..

http://www.richmotorsports.com/store/slp-powder-pro.html Link to SLP powder pros via Richie Rich (Rich motor sports) Will go looking for USI and be back in a minute. I was going to buy another set of powder pros and found the USI at a way good price...figured worth a try

http://www.usi-skis.com/# Link to USI Tripple threats X2. I found the ones I got for $200. Came with 8" stud boy shaper bars, all mounting hardware including the "power steering plate"
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I tried a set of slp powder pros on my srx 2 years ago. They sent me flying off my sled a couple times and damn near broke my wrist! The problem was when I was boondocking across fields in 1-1 1/2 feet of snow that had a crust on top of it. The ski would break through and I think because of the deep keel it would dig in and jerk the handle bars to that side. I actually bent and twisted my handlebars trying to hold on, it was pretty dangerous to ride. I think it has something to do with there being so much weight on the front of the srx because my cousin has them on his AC crossfire and they work good for him.
I don't know what they would be like for trail riding but I highly recommend staying away from them for boondocking in deeper snow. I have a set of ski's from a 2008 nytro on it now and it handles great. The only time I'll ever use those powder pros again is when I go to the mountains for riding in the soft powdery stuff.
wow really..I wanted to get a pair of SLP's for my 600..now you are scaring me...
wow really..I wanted to get a pair of SLP's for my 600..now you are scaring me...

I have a set of like brand new SLP ultra light SLT ski's that im selling that are different from the powder pro's, that are an amazing trail ski, if your interested. They are black and are serious like brand new, they have never seen a trail. Only reason im selling is because i want to get blue SLP ultra lite ski's. Let me kbow if ur intersted. $150
wow really..I wanted to get a pair of SLP's for my 600..now you are scaring me...

Yeah, well that why I mentioned what happened to me. Things might be different with your 600 Doug, you might have less ski pressure than me but to tell you the truth I was scared to hit 60 mph with those things on. They were great at the start of the year when the snow was soft but then we got some warm melting weather for a couple days and the snow got a layer of crust on top of it. We were only going about 40 mph across a stubble field when it bucked me off. My cousin with the cat was right beside me and said he couldn't believe how all the sudden my sled got all snakey when I went flying. The local yamaha guru we have around here actually told me that they don't work worth a crap on an srx either. I told him about them when I first got them and he said I'll hate them... he was right!
wow really..I wanted to get a pair of SLP's for my 600..now you are scaring me...

I rode the Viper in very similar condition and didn't have any issue like he spoke of. I think Vipers a little lighter than the SRX and your SxR should be even lighter. My Viper is 144" Hartman too so maybe that's a factor?
h'mm,back to the drawing board then for me for new ski's..I need a ski that will float on the snow level.The USI's I have tend to plough thru the deep powder snow on an angle,not level to the snow which is slowing me down in the deep stuff/If I switch to the center hole position on the USI saddles,I will get the same effect you had on youe SLP ski's.A few years back I ran the SRX with them in that position and when I hit the deep stuff I all of a sudden had to fight for my life with the bars as I was being thrown to the left and to the right..scared the crap out of me and my arms were really sore fighting that.That position put to much weight down on the skis towards the front more.dangerous as Hell...
Hmmm, you have me thinking now Doug. What you described is exactly what I was going through with those powder pros. I'm trying to remember if there was another position on those powder pros that I could have set it at to have less ski pressure. Maybe that was my problem. But it seems to me it had to be set in a certain position because the bolts for the carbides went through the saddles in a specific place. I have them in storage at my dad's so i can't look at them right now. I'll have to go see if there is a different way to set them. Thanks for mentioning that.
