A pair of SRX's


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Mid Michigan
Last winter I took a day off. I hooked up the trailer, and went out and bought 2 "2000" SRX sleds. I have never owned sleds before but rode a buddy's SRX a few years ago and liked it. One sled came from the Traverse City area, the other from around Mt Pleasant. Both sleds have around the same mileage at 3400 and 3200. I bought 2 so I could let friends and family ride the second and always have somebody to ride with.

I can tell them apart because one sled has a clear windshield, one has a blue windshield.

I bought 2 4" widening kits from Scott, Betheviper, and installed them on both sleds the last few weekends. I also cleaned up the pipes and carbs on both. I plan to trail ride them mostly on trail #6 which is groomed and is closer to home here in Michigan.

These things are low and wide.

I have lurked around on this site for a few years now and had REDMATER make some reflective stickers for me.

I am looking forward to riding this winter.


good looking sleds you got there! thanks for sharing.
Very nice. Have the running boards been touched up?

Yes, I bought a pint of Yamaha blue automotive type paint off Ebay to touch up the frames of my quads last fall. I than used a small foam roller and rolled on around 6 coats of blue on the running boards. It really turned out pretty good. I also touched up the front and bottom of the radius arms and used one of my wife's small "craft style" paint brushes and touched up the rust on the front of the trailing arms. It isn't perfect, but it is a big improvement. Thanks
