1998 srx600 fuel guage not working


New member
Dec 1, 2013
the murder mitten
I have a 1998 srx 600 that the fuel level gauge is not working , i bought another sending unit and then compared them with an ohm meter, they both worked the same, so i checked the ground wire at the plug in on the sled itself and thats good. I've heard that this could take down the tach but it's still working . anyone have an idea what might be causing this? i might try buying a used tach cluster to see if it's just the gauge itself:o|:o|
Thanks in advance
also does anyone know if that tors switch in the throtle can be replaced without haveing to buy an expensive throtle actuator?:whine::whine:
I'm having the same issue with my 99 SRX. it was sitting with a dry tank for a few months so i'm not surprised, but i was hoping there was a solution other than replacing the unit. did you find a solution to the problem? willing to share?
i have seen harness rub throughs affect the gauge as well as the gauge itself sticking.

check the continuity on the green/black wire that runs from the sending unit up to the gauge connector. from there check the brown wire back through the main harness down the steering hoop to the cdi.

drop a coat hanger inside the filler and fish the apparatus up and down to eliminate stuck float as a possibility.
"drop a coat hanger inside the filler and fish the apparatus up and down to eliminate stuck float as a possibility"

Thats a good tip right there, seen that a few times!!
Still havent found the problem , i replaced the sending unit, the dc regulator and the gage cluster itself, sled is actually a 99. when you fire it up the gage tachs up to full and stays there. I'm going looking for a rub thru in the harness. As far as continuity thru the green and black wire the black shows ground and the green doesn't
yep, most likely a rub through. you should have been more testing resistance in ohms between the black and green with ohm specs given at full and empty. test your old sending unit. you should see around 4-10 ohms in the full tank position and 90-100 in empty.

those wires run behind the air box and then up to the steering hoop, but i think you have bad wires elsewhere.
