Hello all… I have a lineon a 2002 SRX with DCS that I’m thinking about purchasing for my trail sled. Sled is in great shape and looks like a gem.
My worries are that the DCS will come on all the time and not perform whenexpected. I did a search on DCS in this forum, but search did not seemto work.
Input… Opinions… Thoughts…. Thanks in advance!--Buster696--
My worries are that the DCS will come on all the time and not perform whenexpected. I did a search on DCS in this forum, but search did not seemto work.
Input… Opinions… Thoughts…. Thanks in advance!--Buster696--

jet up one size and use PREMIUM fuel only.Some guys jet up to 2001 specs,I went half way between 2001 and 2002 specs.
Active member
mike grab it, 01 jetting and good fuel. have fun. 3:16 (yammie tony)
3g racing
New member
I have a new to me 02' srx I had a chance to ride 170 miles,I also had some DCS questions how,why,when,what does it do, it seems to come on all the time, what r 01' srx jetting specs ,I think it gas 42.5 pilots w/2- 145 and 1- 146.3(I think)mains any info would be great I've owned several 2000/2001 srx's but this is my first 02'
I have heard 01 cdi is the same but no dcs..
New member
The DCS is a detonation control system. There is a vibration sensor mounted to the water rail on the back top of the engine. The sensor (an electronic accelerometer) is "tuned" to respond to the amplitude and frequency of the vibrations caused by the detonation, it looks for the "signature" of detonation in the engine. The engine control module looks for a response from the sensor when detonation (spontaneous explosion of the entire air-fuel mixture compared to a controlled ignition and progressive burn of of the air fuel mixture) occurs in any of the cylinders during the entire RPM range of the engine. When the DCS system is triggered, the indicator light is turned on, the engine speed is limited and I believe the ignition timing is retarded, net is much lower power BUT excellent engine protection. I along with many people on this site would have LOVED to have the DCS system on our Vipers and SRXs to alert us to detonation!!!! Detonation causes extreme cylinder temperatures, very high shock or pounding of the bearings from the explosions vs the progressive burning of the fuel and major engine damage in only a few minutes or mies of riding. (My 00 SRX with spotless carbs burned down the center piston in less than 20 miles after getting what was lableled as 91 octane gas) Detonation is caused by several factors, sometimes combined such as running the sled lean which leads to hotter and hotter combustion temps, low octane (stale premium gas or fresh low octane) gas (the octane rating of the gas does NOT indicate it's energy content rather it is a measure of the fuel's resistance to detonation. Higher octane fuels allow higher compression ratios which in turn produce more power). The lean condition can be caused by improper jetting or dirty carbs with plugged jets. Note that setting up the carbs for the proper jetting is much more than installing the various jets but setting up the position of the needle, setting the fuel screw AND the right jets to get the proper air fuel mixture through the entire load/speed range ofthe engine. All of the carb circuits overlap, a lean condition anywhere is deadly. Many of the TY members who had engine damage from detonation were riding at low to moderate speeds. Detonation can happen anywhere in the RPM range if the conditions are present. 2 years ago I remember a number of posts in which members with DCS equipped sleds complained the DCS was tripping all the time giving them no joy with the sleds. Rather than believing the DCS system is faulty, I would remove as much of the gas as possible, fill it with fresh 91 or 93 octane and rerun the sled. If that still gives no joy, the next thing to check is the "wash" on top of the pistons. There are several experts on this site who can explain the optimum "wash" pattern on the tops of the pistons. Essentially the "washed" areas of the piston are areas that are clean of carbon deposits. The DCS system is worth its weight in gold, if it triggers, it is telling you something important. If you have not cleaned the carbs for the season, that is a good place to start to make the DCS system happy. If you are running on last year's gas in the tank or a mix of new gas and last year's gas, time to remove it and refill. The jetting specs and carb settings can be found in the Tech section. Generally, the jetting specs for the 01 SRX is the most "forgiving" off the 00, 01 and 02 SRXs. I don't remember anyone with a DCS equipped sled suffering from a lean-burn down/detonation problem but i don't read every post.
The only reason I suggest an 01 cdi is because the original poster buster knows his stuff I have met and raced against him when I had one of my vmax4s and by some accounts here the dcs can be a little too sensitive when you start to tinker or big bore port etc, I have had 2 02's myself and yes the dcs bulbed on me one time when I was into some crap gas so it does work obviously
3g racing
New member
Wow! Thanks. That's pretty intense stuff, I wonder y other sleds never had a DCS system(smart japs)....lol
02 with 01 jetting, always use 93 octane with a splash of octane boost or a splash of c-12, never once a DCS issue

3g racing
New member
Well what is the jetting specs for the 01'then
The jetting specs are in the tech section under stock sled specs, you'll find specs for most year sleds everything from jetting to gearing and clutching.
Active member
early in 2000 there were afew long pull burn downs on 2000 srx. in 2001, yamaha increased the jetting a cross the board on the 2001. in 2002, yamaha went back to 2000 jetting, but added the dcs. dcs issues on this sled is caused by poor gas quality and nothing else. i tested the crap out of all fuels on mine, with octane as high as 100 with no issues. this feature is a great to have. if any doubt how bad fuel is today, check dyno tech research. there was one case of 93 octane fuel being 76 octane at the pump that was high lighted. 3:16 (yammie tony)
2001 srx jetting spec 150 #1 148.8 #2 148.8 #3
2001 srx jetting spec 150 #1 148.8 #2 148.8 #3
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3g racing
New member
Thanks yammie god that's what I thought for the 01' specs