silencer performance


New member
Nov 25, 2013
ontario, canada
I have read that the aftermarket silencers add no performance to the Vmax4. Have also read that they will lean the engine out.

I took a look inside my factory '93 750 silencer/muffler and the exhaust gases seem to take quite a convoluted path through there. I can understand how a can will lean the engine out, but if you jet for improved exhaust flow, how can a straight through silencer NOT improve performance vs factory?

Also, if I were to make my own silencers, what should I pack them with?
I ran Bender silencer on my 95 for years. No noticeable hp gains but they sound cool as hell and take a lot of weight out. Never had to change my jetting
big weight savor but no hp gain. your info is correct. jetting should be changed. i be careful altering exhaust cans. 3:16 (yammie tony)
from what i know on the red head motors, the stock can keeps the pipe hot, wheres after markets let them drop in temp. i also know that 2 strokes like back pressure to help hold the a/f mix in the cylinders, so if you were to jet for it(go up a size) you would still be blowing a/f out the pipe and wasting it making no more power. idk if this applies to a v max 4 tho
those exhaust systems are tested from engine to the hole in your ban. sound, back pressure, peak rpm, torque is all accounted for. any slight change changes your complete power curve. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Silencer performance is dependant on many variables. Elevation that you ride at is key. Factories want them quiet and to work best all around. ID and length of stinger depending on pipe dimensions port timing. There is some science behind it that is way beyond me but its interesting.
Thanks for the replies. Too bad I already went out and bought some stainless steel pipe and some perforated metal. I had them all cut and fitted and was getting all set to tig weld them but I didn't know what to pack them with. Sounds like all it's going to do is burn more fuel.
I ran Bender silencer on my 95 for years. No noticeable hp gains but they sound cool as hell and take a lot of weight out. Never had to change my jetting

I just bought a Bender silencer. They said no need to change jetting, but a kind gentleman over on Vmax4 said to raise my needles. You did not change any jetting at all, correct?
