Old Beater Bravo 250


New member
Dec 15, 2003
I have an Bravo 250 (I think it's a 1992).
This is my very first sled and know very little.
The problem I'm having is starting.
Before the weather got cold the sled started fine.
Now that its cold out I cannot start it wiyhout some starter fluid (of course I use the choke).

When its warmed up it starts fine.
The question I have is should I install a primer pump,I have seen these things but don't know where(or how) they attatch to the carb.

Also I was told there is a shim kit for the steering(its all over the place)
Is there anything I can do to tighten it up??

Sorry for all the questions,like I said its my first sled and having a blast with it (got it mostly for the kids).I will get a new one next year.


Clean the carb, as it sounds like the starter circuit is not working. Technically the "choke" lever does not choke the intake, but rather activates a fuel circuit in the carb that supplies a richer mixture.

Yes the shim kit is widely available including at places like Shadetree, Dennis Kirk, JR Grahams, etc. It does help a lot, but you may also have too much ski pressure in front of the spindle. See the tech pages at TY.com
How does this starter circuit work (if its not a choke)?
When I flip it on when running it does bog down the engine.

I had looked at Shadetree, Dennis Kirk, JR Grahams, etc and all they have is to pump,ball primer (and not the spray-connector that hookes to carb.).

I thought I was on the the tech page (where are they at??).

The starter circuit is nothing more than a plunger that when engaged opens an extra fuel circuit that richens the mixture. Just remove and clean, however it does sound like it is working.

Adding a primer is just a bandaid, as it doesn't address the real problem.

Clean and adjust the carbs, and check the carb boots for air leaks.

Sounds like it is too lean.

Tech Pages - http://www.totallyamaha.com/snowmobiles/aaTECH/TechIndex/sledTechIndex.html

This is also available on the left side scroll-bar at the TY.com home page
+++This may sound stupid but, are you flipping the choke lever to the second position? I have a few older enticers and if you don't put the choke all the on it will never start. I never have to touch the thottle either.
I too don't mean to confuse the issue but, could the fuel pump be responsible?.... Not really sure where it's located on this ravo, just remember what a nightmare older sleds were for us.... ften a pump issue....

My two cents...Good luck...
Bravo 250 Help

As suggested I cleaned carb.
The sled starts on 2nd try -GREAT !! (But its 45* and very warm-I will find out if it EVER gets cold again !!)

There is no 2 positions on choke - just plastic rocker (that pulls a enricher valve ?)

I am about to change a clutch belt (its frayed) and would like advice on how the best way to do it. Do you have to remove the pulley on the crankshaft?

Thanks Again
Sorry, I thought it was similar to the enticers which have the rocker choke that moves 2 positions.
You should be able to twist the secondary clutch open by hand which would give you enough play to remove it.
