Phazer Venture Carb Reinstall


Dec 8, 2010
It's been awhile since I've owned one of these era sleds, I did recall that the carb install was difficult, and was wondering what others, approach to the carb removal/reinstall would be?

There simply has got to be a better way than the way I am doing it. When doing this with the SX, SXR, SRX, I take apart the air box and remove, simplifying the reinstall, and insuring the boots are remounted properly. This doesn't seem possible on the Phazer/Venture. I have popped the plastic tab on the tank cover to remove the bolts holding the air box, which gives some wiggle room, and just wrangle the carbs out after removing the choke cables, throttle and oil pump cables.

I have removed the boots from the airbox along with clamps hoping it could compress and reinstall after carb reinstall on the intake boots, but this isn't going well, and will likely pull the carbs back out this morning, and reattach the boots to the airbox. Then attempt to wrestle the carbs back into position. Seems like in the past, Ive, used O ring picks to follow the boot around the carb horn to assure proper fit, but can't recall. Anyway, if you have any particular tricks or advice to ease the struggle I'd appreciate it.

if you havent already, remove the secondary and unscrew the snorkel and wiggle it off. from there its still a wrestling match and holding your tongue just in correct position seems to help.

once you have wriggled the airbox past the steering post i find it easiest to set the mag carb first and snug the clamp down to hold it, then work the pto carb into its boot. keying on one carb at a time. boots stay attached to the airbox. a light grease film or even some wd 40 or pledge makes the rubber slip on easier. i also use a long hook type tool on the stubborn ones. its the type of tool used for window rubber in the autobody trade.

patience and practice. not exactly a user friendly engineering concept with those.
