Has anyone ever taken the cover off of a Viper seat? I'm curious what the plastic and the foam look like underneath.
I have one at home. Bro-in-law had a dog rip it apart late late year. Ill see what i have left at home. Or you can come over if you're bored! 

i used to install srx seat foams in them years ago. just a hunk of white styrofoam and a seat. about 6 lbs lighter than srx style seat as i remember. much dryer and less likely to get wet like the srx seats. foam in 02-03 was hard as a rock though.
JD, I would gladly head your way but I have to work at 930
Any snow up your way? The rain completely demolished what we had
If you have that chewed up seat handy, I wouldnt mind a pic of it!
I guess i'm most curious as to what the side bolsters look like. Worth it to take the cover off and shave them down or remove the foam? They're in my way when I stand. If I could get them even 3/8 of an inch narrower on each side I would be happy. I thought about completely cutting them off but the entire seat is a half inch wider than my tunnel.
BETHEVIPER, Did you just cut a section out of the seat and replace it with SRX foam or the whole shebang? I dont mind the harder seat but I always get a pinched nerve in my shoulder if I hit even one dip or bump the wrong way.

I guess i'm most curious as to what the side bolsters look like. Worth it to take the cover off and shave them down or remove the foam? They're in my way when I stand. If I could get them even 3/8 of an inch narrower on each side I would be happy. I thought about completely cutting them off but the entire seat is a half inch wider than my tunnel.
BETHEVIPER, Did you just cut a section out of the seat and replace it with SRX foam or the whole shebang? I dont mind the harder seat but I always get a pinched nerve in my shoulder if I hit even one dip or bump the wrong way.
ya its all here but i cant get my cripple a$$ over there cuz there's too much crap in the way. Ill get you one this weekend.
lol! Thanks man