New member
I got a 144 Camoplast track for my 2002 Mountain Max. It had the 141 Yokohama on it. I would like recommendations on making my skid fit the new 144 track. I would like a big wheel kit (rail extension plus 4 8" inch wheels) but that seems very expensive for just trying to get my new track to fit on my MM700. I think I will just get a Rail extension that will move my axle back 1.5" and keep the stock 7" wheels. I see that there are extension that will accommodate a longer hyfax and extension that don't. How important is that? Does anyone have any used rail extensions I could buy for cheaper. Cheapest I found is $100. Thanks in advance.
Backwoods M Max
New member
Hartman makes a rail extension but your other choices end there. TracksUsa recommended setting back the skid when I talked to them about it. You could do a zero offset 8" axle, but that might still run into being able to take up all the slack. You should consider extrovert drivers no matter what you end up doing. 151" gives you many more options, but will cost more in terms of parts and there is more labor because of the rail extensions and tunnel extension. The thread in my sig is a soup to nuts 141-151mm rebuild
New member
I see you put viper arms an your Mountain max. The stamp letter is different, so I thought they would not be compatible. How did the trailing arms work out on your MOuntain max? Anything I should know if I decide to go this route. Thanks!