Alright after having a couple stripped out screws where the fuel bowl connects to the carbs I ended up getting helped out by stags, he sent me an srx carb rack and now I gotta switch all my jets etc from mine to this one. I got most of the parts taken off but Im having trouble taking the slides out, this is my first time doing this and Im having a heck of a time getting them out. Anyone got any tips on best way to do this?
Take the caps off the top of carbs there are 2 allen head screws on top of each slide take those out or loosen all the way up. Then there is a set screw on on the rail should be one per carb remove that screw and u should be able to move the arm that connects to the slide and u should be able to rotate the arm out of the way to get the slide out.
I see u are in Jefferson. I am only a couple miles away in fort Atkinson if u need any help let me know. I'm sure I could help u out. Luke
I see u are in Jefferson. I am only a couple miles away in fort Atkinson if u need any help let me know. I'm sure I could help u out. Luke
Alright I got some free time today after work gonna give this another try, thanks for the tip. Thanks for the tip good to know some fellow ty'ers live close by!

yep, what luke said
New member
Be careful with the set screws iv striped those before and it sux

If you happen to strip the set screws on your rack just drill them out your rack is junk anyways. The rack I sent you I left the screws loose so you'll have no problems there. best thing I've found is to make sure you have a good fitting screw driver, put the carb rack in a vice, and give the screwdriver a light whack with a hammer, then push down on the screwdriver as much as you can while turning it out. Never had a problem this way.
Ok good to know cause i'd like to get everything right without stripping any more screws lol gonna work on them this afternoon and hope it goes smoothly. thanks for the advice stags.
ok so started to work on them and the set screws came out no problem but Im having a heck of time getting the slide off the arm. I got the slide itself loose but unless mine are messed up I cant seem to get the slide off the arm without bending it. ugh was hoping this would be relatively easy. Is there something Im missing?

you need to take out the 2 allen screws that connect the linkage to the slide. you then take the linkage off the arm and then the slide out seperately
ah gotcha duh! maybe I read that wrong before I thought before someone said that u just gotta take the one set screw out.
Ok just gave it another look and maybe Im blind but I don't see the 2 allen screws that connect the linkage to the slide??

Hammer Down
Open the throttle all the way so slide is all the way up. Then look down thru top
Of carb They are small and are on the corners of
Slide. An Allen wrench with a ball end helps so you can
Angle it in.
Of carb They are small and are on the corners of
Slide. An Allen wrench with a ball end helps so you can
Angle it in.
jeff thanks for that reference pic and hammerdown. I had to get a flashlight to look in there and sure enough found the screws and got the slides out! thanks guys for your help 

So after having to switch everything from my carbs over to a different carb rack the only thing that's left is after putting the set screws in I was putting the last one in and somehow managed to misplace it. I swear I heard it drop on the bottom shelf but after endless searching I cant find the damn thing. I took one of the other set screws and went down to the hardware store to try and find something close to it, I found a couple that seemed very close but no such luck. So I was wondering has anybody found a replacement one and had good luck with it? I thought Id be able find something very close, cause I was looking online and a new one from Yamaha is $7 pretty crazy!
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Earlier you posted your set screws came right out and the rack from Stags were left loose. Between the 2 racks you don't have enough screws to put one back together? Or are you talking about different set screws? Hopefully that miss placed screw isn't in the carbs some where....floating around to be found at next cleaning
good eye you are correct. I made a mistake from one of my earlier posts tow of my set screws were actually stripped and I had searched everywhere. they aren't in the carbs and I ended up finding one but I might've accidently thrown away the other one that's the only thing I can think of.

So how many are you "really" short right now. I've got spare hardware.
Think I have some laying around to
Thanks guys after some digging around I found a couple I had been missing. I got the carbs in the sled tonight and now just need to hook everything up.