02 viper or rx1


New member
Feb 5, 2011
currently i have both a 98/99 srx but have the chance to buy either a o2 viper or the 03 rx1.i do mainly trail riding so besides fuel mileage is there any advantage over either one of these? im kinda torn , i here like the 4 stroke idea but have always ridden 2 strokes.
Owned an 03 liquid silver without reverse. Bought it in 04 with 556 miles, sold it last year with 2800 miles because of family health issues. Best trail sled I've ever owned. Only issue was with the seat (to low). Added a seat from an 05 and found perfection. Never had problems keeping up on any trail with anyone riding anything. On real rough or tight twisties I had to work harder than some but when the trail got big or on lakes/rivers I could stay out front of any stock trailing arm triple. Vipers didn't stand a chance there. Never cared how cold/warm it was. It always ran great. Could putt along with the kids all day or rip it hard with the hotshots without concern. Could get 20 mpg+ when riding responsible or drop to 15ish when racing the river. Most complain about the weight. I'm 52, weigh 175 lbs and had no issues. They are not much heavier than a triple. Add e-start to a triple and they are very close.

My RX was super clean, 8 inch carbide, 144 Woodys Gold down the center, clutched stock, suspension set to my liking, free and smooth rolling. I wasn't interested in a drag race so I kept the track loose enough to avoid ratcheting from 30ish mph and up. Keeping the skid in top notch shape with the track tension set this way made a big difference on the big end. The last long run I had with it was against another 03 liquid silver RX, 05 RX, 700 SRX, and a Viper (not sure what years they were) on the river. Viper was not with us and had a BIG start (over 600ft). Run was about a mile and a half. Caught and passed the Viper within the first mile. Stayed out front of the rest with ease. The dream meter was bouncing off 127mph.

Many don't have much good to say about the RX1 and 4 strokes in general. I still have and love my two strokes but won't knock a 4 stroke. If setup/maintained right and used in the world they were designed for they are GREAT machines.

I have noticed in recent wholesale auctions, that the Viper and RX1 has nearly the same wholesale pricing. 2003 versions are both bringing about $2,300.00 The 2002 Viper is around 2k and the 2004 is $2,500.00 This is at White star auctions. Of course condition is also relavent. Many 4 stroke yamaha's have recently dropped in value significantly this year alone. I believe many are being dumped for the new current Viper which is now available. Many Nytro's and Apex's are being unloaded for around $3,500.00 This is about a $2k drop from last season. Sadly the SRX has also dropped significantly averaging under $1,000.00 for any year. Some are going for as low as $750.00 as much as a good running Phazer II.
I would go the 4 stroke myself. Especially if your keeping the SRX's you already have. With todays fuel 2 strokes are becoming more and more reliant on proper summer storage/maintenance. ESPECIALLY the Viper. If its ben taken care of LOTS of miles left in it, If it hasn't ben its a ticking time bomb. The good ole days of letting snow melt out from under a sled and just putting some fresh gas in it when snow comes back are long gone.
I just can't bring myself to buy a Yamaha 4 stroke. I just don't like the looks of the machines. However, I really like the new Viper, I just can't afford it. lol Someday, I just don't want to have to switch brands, but if I do, Polaris RMK will be setting in the trailer ready to ride. Not this year though.
Devlin, how is the snow pack around Indian River. I remember meeting you there last winter.
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Devlin, has is the snow pack around Indian River. I remember meeting you there last winter.

How is? Sad to say pretty nill, approx. 20-25 miles south of there's barely enough to call it rideable. We were of to a great start and had up to 18" in some spots but after an over night rain even pretty much snow banks and a lot of ice is all we have left. We just put up the final signage acrossed the campground near Mancelona (waited per land owner request) Wishing I wouldn't have sold the old poolaris.....about enough snow to ride something you don't much care about.
Get the rx1......... I loved riding my old mans 04 rx1 and im 5'7 145lbs anyone who complains about how heavy it feels is running with a poor setup. Id rather have the rx1 over my srx also......
