2" Handle Bar riser on Viper


New member
Sep 8, 2012
So let me start by saying i read the threads about the risers.

I decided to go with a 2" riser so that i didn't need to use longer cables. Tried installing it last night and I couldn't turn left. Am I missing something?I thought that a 2" would be plug and play. Any help would be appreciated.
2" should be fine. Any pic's?? Somethings off but without seeing whats going on it could be anything. And when you say cant turn left do you mean it wont move left or just that the cables stretch to much?
Did you buy the sled used? If so, maybe someone re-routed the cable. Shouldn't have any problems with a 2" riser.
So.. Tried again last night and noticed that the brake cable wrapped around the electrical cables near the oil and coolant reservoirs. Rerouted the cable then installed the riser. All seems good but now I feel like I should have went a little higher tho. Ah well.

Thanks for the help.

Here's a pic of how my riser project came out. I believe they are adjustable from 2.5" to 4.3" But I changed everything control wise and soldered 9" into all the electrical. I will say it seems to work really well. If I'm going to be cruising the trails I put them down and they're not to obnoxious (however I can't see all the gauges) and when I go play in the powder I run them up high. What a difference in maneuverability.
SXviperER thanks, I was pretty happy with it at the end. While I was soldering the wire bundle extensions I wasn't thrilled. :o| But in the end it was well worth it.
