Wrap pipes for modified Srx 440


New member
Aug 25, 2010
What are your guys thoughts. I have no radiator just cool down when I get back and warm up on the line. Do you think I should wrap my pipes to keep them hot. Cause I don't like to over heat motor before I leave cause there no way to cool it till it returns
john, cold motor, hot pipe is the key to great performance. even on the old iron like yours. i used that wrap once on a old srx i had. i remember aaen performance sold it. my vote is use it. 3:16 (yammie tony)
I agree that wrap will hold any moisture against the pipe and especially if theres any road salt mixed in, you will have swiss cheese.

As for max performance you need to know your pipes and engine and what it wants. If their hand built pipes the pipe and engine builder will know what they want for pipe center temp.
On my kids race sled we monitor pipe center temp, which is different then EGT. We work to keep it at 900-950 Which is the max ours get without being too lean, if its really cold, we tape off the vents near the pipe, maybe even wrap it for that day. Snowdust is also a problem if it gets in it will kill pipe center temp.
With any pipe, even stock you have to know what the temp is, and how hot you can get it without having other problems, then figure out what it takes to keep it there.
