Trouble in paradise


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Hi all I was riding my Viper today and everything was fine when I was going to stop the sled did int sound right so I tried to throttle out hehe but then it was like Tors is kicking in or something and then if I let it Rev down and it's fine
please watch the video and tell me what you guys think?

Before I recorded the video it did the same thing so I let it cool down and check the plugs and they were all fine and the sled was just like always had to drive it for 10 min or so before it would do this again

so dirty carbs ? Tors? or wire harness were to start guys ?
yep, TORS.

First thing I would do is to loosen the throttle cable slightly at that carb rack it might just barely be on the edge of too tight. try it and see that will likely cure it.
ok I'll try that but if it's just to tight why dose it only happen when the sled is warm ?
Theres 2 switchs in the tors system, one is at the throttle lever up at handlebars and the other is down at the carb rack. If you have the cable just slightly on the tight side it will do exactly what your getting at various times and not do it other times. The reason your not getting it when cold is likely your not moving the throttle lever enough yet like you are when you get out away from the truck/trailer or whatever.

loosen up the lock nut and turn the cable adjuster in a couple turns and retighten the locknut, you need to have slack in the cable, it will still open the carbs fully with slack in the cable and the tors switch will work as its suppoosed to.
Bar riser??? Id check your cable routing if so. It doesnt take much, if the cable sheathing catches anywhere(airbox,cable guide on bar clamp...etc) it will pull the cable and as soon as you hit the lever...bam TORS
ye it has bar riser and has been like that since new... but i will check this out thx guys for the info :)
On a side note......Im more then a little jealous you have that much snow to ride in...I still have grass showing through the 1" of snow we have!! lol good luck
one thing a lot of people may not realize is how much cable slack you can have and still get full throttle. I set mine with the airbox off and throw a finger in there and set full throttle that way. you end up with more cable freeplay than needed and no TORS issues.
