The hidden costs of snowmobiling....


New member
Dec 13, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI
First trip out this year:

Kyocera cell phone lost in the woods between Kalkaska and Fife Lake. The deer and squirles didn't make any calls thank goodness.
$90 to replace

Last week Tuesday night:

Garmin hand held GPS is missing since that ride. Had it in my breast pocket and know I didn't lose it on the trail... but where the heck is it?

Price to replace should I not find it: $160

Damn!!! in hide the receipts from the wife!

She'll want some toys of her own. I loose things every year. Lost my Epson PhotoPC in Tug Hill lake effect snow in Feb 2000. That was back when a basic digital camera costs $600.
I lost a cell phone as well, ...was on my belt clip last I looked. Don't know what I was thinking, ...belt clips and SRX joy rides don't mix, ...I'm thinkin duct tape to my ankle.
I had it in the side jacket pocket... didn't zip it up!!! Doh!!

As for the GPS, I'm gonna plead "bad memory" because I am 99% positive I had it after I rode that night. I'm tearing the house apart right now looking for it! Already tore the truck apart....
lol, i had my phone in my thigh pocket, and i flipped my sled over and landed on my phone, shattering the screen. I had phone insurance though, so i just had to wait for the new one to come in the mail :WayCool:
Persistance pays off!! I tore my truck apart... again! Found the GPS between the passenger seat and the center seat base (kind of down where the seat belt buckle is for the passenger). Whew!!! How would I have explained that one to the lady... uh... honey.... I know I didn't get you anything for your birthday (well, I gave here SOMETHING!!!) but I'm getting a new GPS. Yeah, that would have gone over REAL well.

Oh... the between the seat and center console How many millions have been lost there. Well, maybe not millions, but there's alot of lonely cold french fries out there. I guess they just hang out with the unwanted pennies and receipts...and an occasional GPS. LOL
I have a bravada which is smaller than a pick up, and anything that falls in there is lost forever. I'd stick my hand in a horses a$$ before I would between the seats. Ucky. LOL Maxdlx ps 4 kids make it even scarier between the seats.
Yeah, I found my electric shaver in there once... used it to shave on the way to work a while back (I was running late!). The battery was of course, DEAD
My girlfriend drives a Bravada. Love it in the snow. BUT, the cushy ride coupled with the soft side wall tires she has on it (her ex MADE her put these POS Michellins on it) I feel like I'm going to scrape the paint off the door handles when I turn!! Can you say leeeeeeaaaaannnn! Rooooooolllllllll!!! Tires make a LOT of noise in protest at the slightest turn. Can't WAIT till they are worn out. But, with the all wheel drive, I can't even hurry that process up!

Oh, and both she and her kids (11 and nearly 14) sure can make a mess in that thing!! There are times I refuse to drive it!! Between the seats being the least of the problems most days!! LOL!!!!!!
Mike you are too neat. You need a few kids in your life to help show ya what TRASHED VEHICLE really means. I mean everything from beach sand to partial burgers and french fries, let me tell ya about the seat that will never be the same color as the rest of them. Hey I can help ya out with my kids !!! Ha Ha Ha Wait till they get in your boat !!! They love to trash boats !!!
I have bridge stones on mine, the are great tires. Got 85,000 on them and might get 15000 more, only if mama doesn't look at them too close. if you ever get snow on some ice, put it in reverse and do donuts, it is a blast. Maxdlx
I had Bridgestones on my last truck... went thru two sets of them. Love the Dueler A/T. On my current Ram I'm running Cooper A/T's and they seem to be holding up pretty well also. Decided to try something different (and theya re about $30 less a tire!). I'd run these tires again. I have a cousin that works at the Tire Rack... so I can get tires at a good price.

I can get her bravada into a full on throttle induced power slide at about any time I want on a snow covered road... she hates it, her son loves it, and her daughter about throws up! What fun!!!!
