HELP! What clutch setup is this and is it good?


New member
Dec 12, 2013
I stumbled across an Aaen roller action clutch kit with a 54 46 helix and a brown spring for my secondary. Does anybody know anything about this kit if its any good or what the exact specs are on it? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
whew, thats a awfull big helix for use in a roller secondary! Youd need some massive spring pressure to hang onto the belt.
So would it not be worth it to put it on? I don't really know anything about it so thats why I had to post here. Do you know all the specs on it by chance?
Ok, so does it take away anything from stock top, cause I think stock they go what, 105-110 depending on conditions? If it doesn't take anything away from there then maybe I would put it on to get more snort off the line, otherwise can you tell me what would be a good clutch get to get the most out of my sled? At the moment everything its stock on it.
I'd just stick to the stock clutch. it's the set-up (parts) you need to change, not the clutch itself. The only thing I liked better with the roller was the backshift when you're on and off the throttle in and out of corners. Nothing to do with off the line performance.

find yourself a more aggressive set-up that fits what you're doing and it will make a dramatic improvement.
There are all kinds of clutch set-ups posted here in the tech section and in the threads. do some searching and find the set-up that fits what you do with the sled the most. There's no need to buy a "kit" the individual components you need will likely be cheaper and more specific for what you want.

You can also post up what exactly you want and you'll get some good suggestions. One thing to note though, lake racing and ice drags are completely different animals and require different set-ups. You need to decide wether you want to do one better than the other or just do both of them OK but not great. Or you'll need more than one set-up.
if your new to the clutch tuning thing, go for a simple and easy helix swap and see how you like it. It will change how the sled runs, you can get it to leave out of the hole alot harder and still give you a good topend with a simple helix and rear spring change. This will make it alot more fun to race your buddys in a field/lake.
two things yamaha hit right on the money with the srx. and that means nothing was better. stock pipes and stock secondary. if you go in steps and start out like don posted, you will find its not rocket science and you will gain performance. 3:16 (yammie tony)
What would you recommend for a different helix? Im going up to haucks tomorrow, I'll see what they've got to.
ya know what to do, go on here members clutch set-ups on tech section. search through set-ups that are low budget changes and see what others have posted. 3:16 (yammie tony)
One of the most popular setups that is being run and I'm running it in my ported 01 is one that Don posted up here.Use your stock weights and load them with 4.5 or 5.5g in both holes,use a W-W-W primary spring.As far as the secondary get yourself a 54/46 helix and a green spring,wrap that at 70° and you'll be pretty close to the optimal trail setup.
For a rough rule of thumb 1gram of weight either way will give or take off about 200 -250 rpm,so use that when your doing the rivets in your primary weights.Gram scales will be needed for this too.
