01 srx speedometer question

01 SRX

New member
Sep 29, 2012
Central Michigan
Hi guys. Wondering if anyone has ever had a srx speedometer that didn't work even though the keyway is not broken? What I am referring to as the keyway is the piece that goes into the drive shaft. I know when a bearing is going bad these will break...not the case here everything is good and tight. any thoughts?
I've seen the cable broke inside the sheathing, about halfway between the keyway and speedometer. Not common but it does happen.
I had the cable stick inside the casing of my sled,of course it had been sitting in a box for a while too.I hung it in my vise and kept spraying penetrating fluid down it for about a week.I finally ended up hooking my cordless drill to it and gently breaking it free.Once I had it free I pulled the cable out,cleaned all the crap off it and inside the casing and I was good to go.
Thanks everyone for the replies. I will check it out tomorrow to see what I can find out. Thanks for the offer stags, I'll let you know if I need something and then we can talk price. What is the issue that happens with the gear box that devilin was talking about? And is it fixable or does it need to be replaced? Again thanks too all that responded.
Thanks everyone for the replies. I will check it out tomorrow to see what I can find out. Thanks for the offer stags, I'll let you know if I need something and then we can talk price. What is the issue that happens with the gear box that devilin was talking about? And is it fixable or does it need to be replaced? Again thanks too all that responded.

I had a 99 700 that the speedo worked for the first couple rides and then didn't. Pulled the cable off the back off the speedo while sled was on stand and cable didn't turn with track. Unhooked cable off from box and spun easy by hand and other end spun. Pulled that box off the side of the tunnel expecting key broke, it wasn't. Put box and cable I had off a 98 back on and has worked fine since. Never investigated what went wrong with it. Suspect anyone parting out a sled has these laying around as not a popular item to go out, I would imagine you can get a used one cheap.
you can undo both ends of the cable and see if spinning one end spins the other. then you'll know if it's the cable or the gauge. I've got both if you find you need one.

So it is the cable. It broke on the lower half. It looked like another keyway was coming out the cable side of the gear box when I took off the cable. Almost exactly the same length. So...how much for the cable staggs? I would need it shipped to zip code 48603 if you're still willing to sell it. Again thanks to all that replied.
