02 Viper ER Engine light

Cam/ Viper adict

New member
Feb 13, 2009
Here is my problem. Start my sled and the Diagnostics does its check and all is good. I can ride and no problems. While I am riding al of a sudden my engine light wi come on but wont flash a code, it just stays on. Then it will go out and stay off for awhile. It will come on like this a few time during the course of a ride. I get no code flashes or flickering, just stays on steady for awhile then goes out. I cant find any wire problems.. Is this possibly the cdi? Sled runs great, has opticool gasket, rear heat exchanger and is stock with no mods..
When the engine/warning light comes on, does one of the warning indicators/icons come on at the same time? The indicators/icons are located vertically, next to the fuel level gauge bar graph. I believe there are 3 icons that could come on solid (non-flashing) with the engine/warning light.
- Coolant temp (high/overheat)
- Oil level (low)
- Fuel level (low, on last bar of gauge)
If none of the above icons turn on at the same time as the light, there may be some other way to find out what the light is for, but I'm not sure how.
Cam you were riding today?? it is just to cold for me to even want to go out and start the sleds..stayed indoors all weekend here..besides not enough snow around to ride in anyways..
I was riding and there is tons of snow. Ditches are 3ft deep and trails are groomed my way. Its winter you gotta expect it to be cold..lol.. I just want to get this darn warning light and engine icon figured out. Sled pulls great and I cant see any problems or have any issues that I can tell. I may want to pick up another cdi and swap and see if thats the problem. I just cant find any electrical issues or mechanical problems. Checked pistons and plugs and they are good. Lots of spark and no lack of power. Had her wound up to 93mph on gps and still had more in her..
I had to go to Grunthal last week (job related) and did not see much snow in the ditch's on 59 thru St Pierre all the way thru Kleefeld and Grunthal.Lots of tracks but also alot of grass showing.
