Ski removal on 95 Venture XL


Dec 8, 2010
Previous owner obviously never did, and not only did he wear through the skegs, (ski-runners), but wore holes in the back part of the ski as well. If you have experience with the pogo stick suspension, then you are aware that if the ski mounting bolts aren't removed and greased up periodically they corrode and virtually weld themselves in. I have taken a run at driving the bolt out after running in around and around in the aluminum mount, but to no avail. I had hoped to salvage the skiis, but looks like I'm going to have to cut the mounting bolts off flush or as flush as possible to drop the skii's and then attempt to either drive the bolts w collar out of the aluminum mounts or end up replacing everything. I've already attempted to take the aluminum mounts off the slider tube, but the allen on the front is also stuck tight. I've heated it repeatedly with a heat gun, still no success. I've considered welding a new bottom to the ski, but when you tip these things on their side, they tend to drool gas out of the carbs, so I am cautions about bringing sparks or flames in close proximity. Any recommendations?
can you get some PB Blaster or ATF and gravity working..if you have time keep hitting it with that or tip and let it drool, cant drool forever...take your time with this sort of problem.
