First ride for the srx


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Lemont, illinois
Finally got to get acquainted with my new to me 98 srx 600. Being surrounded by doo's two of which were blown up and the little 600 was pretty impressive. I handed a mxz600 his own *** and I was running down an adrenaline 800. He was a little surprised. The coming on strong reputation for the srx"s was evident a little slow out of the hole but it likes to run sleds down for sure. Take off Rpms were 4500 and the top end Rpms were 8500. I'd be interested to try it again on some hard pack or ice Nonetheless. Giving up 200 cc's and some track length traction I'd say its a kick *** little sled.
Congrats, that's what I've always loved about these sleds. If you don't get the holeshot, the look in their eyes when you start going around them is priceless.
Ya it's a fun sled. Got some good giddy up. I would think an 800 should kill a 600. Pretty impressive he's lucky I don't have a 700 cause then he'd be pissed
Yeah, an 800 Doo should stay in front of a 600, but from the guys I talk to and ride with, maintenance is not at the top of their list. You wouldn't believe how many sleds I've beat just because of lack of maintenance and improper setup on their big dog sleds. I'm not trying to brag but I do go thru my sled every fall and just keep on top of all the wear items and give the sled a good once over.

Last year I rode with a group of new guys that all ride 800's, Polaris and Doo. Trail emptied onto a nice wide hardpack river trail. We all stopped and I was given the flagging job because my 700 will "need a little head start". From the start it wasn't even close. After proving my point a couple more times from a roll, I looked over their sleds nonchalantly. The Doo was running a belt I wouldn't use for a spare. The Polaris had such dirty clutches I couldn't believe it, plus the wrong belt. I'm sure they'll be out for revenge this year, and the outcome may be different, but to be the talk of the weekend felt pretty good.
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Yep, kinda funny running down those big 4 strokes on my classic. lol
Had mine out running the sideroads. Trails are groomed but the base is too brittle to open them yet. I hear the Gravenhurst/Bracebridge trails got tore up over the weekend. Too bad. Guys need to stay off baseless trails. It's supposed to warm up with some rain for a couple days. That will turn to a decent starter base.
