Anyone know is the domes for mega power/venom/mpi heads will interchange with each other. I'm sure the question has been asked b4 but I couldn't find anything in it.
I can tell you tommarrow, I never checked on the venom/megapower swap as I never needed to before but since both kinds are here currently at the shop I will let you know.
the MPI ones are differnt, I know of that.
the MPI ones are differnt, I know of that.
Luke, no, they wont interchange, the base alone is differnt diameter and thickness, the top stem is also completely differnt spec so you cant even machine it to fit.
so all 3 are to thier own, no interchange.
so all 3 are to thier own, no interchange.
Don. Do u have mega power domes available. Or can u machine some. U have my venom heads for the 780 build but I am probably going to do a srx build later this winter and will probably use the mega power for the srx
no, sorry I dont have any mega domes. I could machine/make a set of them but would think the cost to reproduce them wouldnt be productive vs just buying a set of venom heads. There is a company in Wisconsin who makes the heads for hauck called rollform, you can get them thru them without the venom name on the shells.
if you already have a set of megapower shells, you might put up a want ad here in the classified section, sometimes people have spares or a set with damage done to them. I can usually repair the damage.
if you already have a set of megapower shells, you might put up a want ad here in the classified section, sometimes people have spares or a set with damage done to them. I can usually repair the damage.
Ya I now rollform made the venom heads for hauck. They are actually in Illinois. I know they haven't made any in a while. And also think there was a illness with one of the owners and think it was up in the air if the doors were gonna stay open. But it might only be a rumor. I'll post up an add and see if anybody has an extra set they would sell. Thanks don.
ok, I knew they were from over there somewhere