Sled is DEAD


New member
Jan 16, 2013
Well took my 98 srx 700 for a ride yesterday after our first snowstorm of the year, ran great went about 4 miles everything fine. My stepdad texted me
late afternoon saying when he took it for a spin that something happened sled runs fine but doesnt move. My first thought is he blew a belt
but he is smarter than not knowing that the belt is bad or gone, he had to go pick it up with the tractor and forks. Any ideas of where to go from here?
Parking brake ??? lol

Yeah, we need more info like roy said.

Edit: Ops, I misread your post, your uncle was in the middle of a ride and the sled just stopped and something in drivetrain locked up ???
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my crystal ball is a little foggy today, but I would think youd need to take the chaincase apart first and see whats going on.
Well took my 98 srx 700 for a ride yesterday after our first snowstorm of the year, ran great went about 4 miles everything fine. My stepdad texted me
late afternoon saying when he took it for a spin that something happened sled runs fine but doesnt move. My first thought is he blew a belt
but he is smarter than not knowing that the belt is bad or gone, he had to go pick it up with the tractor and forks. Any ideas of where to go from here?

Where in pa are you?
well he told me today that when the motor is running cluthches engauge , as soon as he lowers it the track it stops, but he said he could still see the brake rotor turning, sorry guys im new to this sled stuff been a direct drive mechanic my life no clutches, like a sled that is. thanks anyway for all all the advice
If the track is spinning while it's in the air it means your chain is still on the gears. It's not saying the gears arent tore up or your tensioner isnt operating as it should. Pull off the exhaust system, get rags and a pan and pull your cover off. Just some bolts holding it on. Unknown sled, so this should be checked before you ride anyway. Simple job. Use the search function to adjust chain tension. It should be finger tight.
Sounds to me like your secondary is not opening. Think of your clutches like bicycle gears. As your primary clutch(engine) closes, it's like a bicycle going from bottom sprocket to top sprocket. Bigger gear for more speed. At the same time, you need to shift the rear clutch/sprocket, to a lower gear or your peddles go 100mph but your tire speed is minimal.

Engine clutch should close and secondary should open as you apply the gas. Sounds like one or both your clutches are failing at this. Try it on a stand or hanging from something. Watch the clutches. Try it on the ground and watch also.
Careful on the ground test. lol
Well boys found the issue drive shaft broke inbetween the first cog couldnt see it until the shaft was out the douc##### that put new bearings in also pounded the bearing on the speedo side peened over and re ground no set screws used on that side,need a new shaft, bearings etc
Well took me a few hours yesterday to put the sled back togeither not too bad of a job to do at all.Rode it 7 miles to a friends house so we could go riding, everything worked great until..........
had to cross a little creek maybe 8 feet wide with a bit of a lip on each side and open water.I figured just hit the throttle before I get to it like I always do,made it across fine but when my skis hit the ground about 10 feet passed the creek my handle bars snapped off and I no longer had anything to hold on to so I slammed into the frozen gound and quite sore today. towed the sled to another friends house removed the bars,riser,cowl plastic was able to grind out the stem a bit with die grinder, insert a solid piece of 3/4 inch round stock weld in place, then the mount bracket over it and welded from the inside out, took about 1.5 hours and went back out riding till we froze was -6 when we got back. Thanks for all the help!
Talked about snapped off parts! First drive shaft then steering post. Getting a little gun shy? Good thing you never were hurt bad.
Well took me a few hours yesterday to put the sled back togeither not too bad of a job to do at all.Rode it 7 miles to a friends house so we could go riding, everything worked great until..........
had to cross a little creek maybe 8 feet wide with a bit of a lip on each side and open water.I figured just hit the throttle before I get to it like I always do,made it across fine but when my skis hit the ground about 10 feet passed the creek my handle bars snapped off and I no longer had anything to hold on to so I slammed into the frozen gound and quite sore today. towed the sled to another friends house removed the bars,riser,cowl plastic was able to grind out the stem a bit with die grinder, insert a solid piece of 3/4 inch round stock weld in place, then the mount bracket over it and welded from the inside out, took about 1.5 hours and went back out riding till we froze was -6 when we got back. Thanks for all the help!

reason they break is the riser you had on it! once fixed like you did youll be ok, but this wasnt all that uncommon on the 99 and older sleds.
