power valves trouble!! SRX 700


New member
Jan 30, 2010
moncton canada
i decided to pull the power valves and give them a cleaning , on my SRX 700. 2 of the 3 were pulled threw and once i gave the 3rd a little pull it also pulled out, cables all look ok. i guess the guy that serviced it last year for me didnt actually touch them!!. i only ran maybe 3 tanks of gas and only use klotz oil. all 3 were stuck and it took over 30 min with oven cleaner to get them out, is any one in Canada repairing them ?? also i may have found 3 good used valves for a 1998 srx 600, are they the same as the 700? parts numbers seem to be the same? id like to get this fixed up this week as we just had our first storm.

thanks for any info or help.
id didnt think they were, but i checked the part numbers on one web site and they had them listed a the same part numbers,
X2 on 600 valve NOT the same. There's 3 varietys. SRX 600, SRX 700, and Viper. You will find ALOT of sellers on FLEA bay telling you they are all the same.....to make a sale. They don't inter-change.
I would not run klotz oil. Had the same problem lots of carbon from that oil. switched back to yamalube and a lot less carbon build up.
where is the best place to get them fixed? i guess i could ship them to the US as long as i could get them back within a couple weeks,
How bad are they scored up? Oven cleaner is very hard on this stuff..... Shouldn't use it. Pm me if you want...
