Carburator needle and seat question

01 SRX

New member
Sep 29, 2012
Central Michigan
Hi guys, I have to replace the needle on one of my carbs because the rubber tip is torn. I am wondering if I should replace all 3? Also, I see that I am supposed to replace the seat when I replace the needle because they wear together. How do you remove the seat? Thanks in advance for the help.
Phillips head screw is holding the seat in. The seat is the brass tube/collar the needle drops into. Pull the screw out and grab the seat with a pair of needle nose pliers. Pulls right out. The screens or top hats as they are often called snap onto the end of the seat. I would replace all 3 myself, I imagine you could do just the ripped one though.
Thanks Devilin, that's what I thought I should do. At least I'll know they all started out fresh this year. It must be a tiny Phillips head screw to fit in the hole. It is under the needle right?
Oh...couldn't have been more obvious than that! Thanks. Now I hope the dealer has them in stock so I can get it ready to go to Gaylord this Friday! How's the snow out by you? Also, would this have caused my fuel overflow issue last year that I couldn't figure out? It seemed to stop before I found out what was causing it.
Awesome, and thanks for the help. Maybe we'll see you out on the trails this winter. We love going Mancelona way from Lakes of the North. It always seems to be the best trails when the rest are beat up.
That where I groom! Mancelona to starvation lake, starvation lake to lakes of the north, lakes of the north out across Mancelona rd to warming house then back south along 131 to Mancelona..or vice versa!
Sweet! Now I know why they're such good trails. If you happen to see a 2001 SRX 700 and a 1997 EXT 580 running together you probably found me. Ride safe, and thanks for the great trails. :-)
I was really surprised how many SRX's I seen grooming. I remember late last year there was a SRX being followed by something else that I past 5-6 times. Kind of seemed like they were riding around the loop a few times.
I'm waiting for enough snow on Drummond. How much snowfall is needed before the trails can be groomed. There is 11" so far. Thanks.
If the tip is not worn (no ring around the rubber) and the sides of the needle are not worn, then there is no reason to replace the needle/seat.
If the tip is not worn (no ring around the rubber) and the sides of the needle are not worn, then there is no reason to replace the needle/seat.

One was ripped. If one was old enough to start falling apart I would suspect the other 2 aren't far behind it.

I'm waiting for enough snow on Drummond. How much snowfall is needed before the trails can be groomed. There is 11" so far. Thanks.

We have at least 18" which is plenty of snow to groom. ALOT of it is DNR funding, If the DNR doesn't think it should have ben groomed they don't pay. Our team is all volunteer operators. So when DNR rejects a grooming the trails council eats the cost of fuel, about $300 per groomer, JVTC has 2-3 JD tractors and the Pisten Bully our crew runs.
I heard your trail permits are very reasonable. I would love to plan a trip in Michigan some time. I am in Ontario. I have always wondered about your trails.
I heard your trail permits are very reasonable. I would love to plan a trip in Michigan some time. I am in Ontario. I have always wondered about your trails.

Yup, $45 for MI trail permit and needs to be legal to ride where ever home state is.

Link to our groomer I found on You tube. Description says something about Duberville trail club pushing dirt???? Any one that's rode this area will recognize the Mancelona Rd crossing right at the end of the video. (where trail head parking lot is) Last bit of the video the sled shooting the video is cruising down Crooked lake rd.
