Viper extension with new track?


New member
Aug 18, 2013
Ashley, MI
Hello, I have a 02 viper ER :2strokes:mostly stock. I want to extend it to a 141 or 144 so its more deep snow compatible. I have a couple questions. what is the biggest lug track w/o changing the stock drivers? I am looking at a 1.75 backcountry :twisted:or a 1.6 cobra. I am looking into mountain performance option 2 to relocate the skid too. I will have more question pending on the answers I get from these. thank you
You can stuff a 1.75 under there but not much room for snow to evacuate, dont think the 1.6 will be much better. I would look at more of a 1.5, 1.3. Also mountain performance does not make these kits anymore and havent for a long time, not sure why they cont to advertise it. I even called them to do mine also and they dont do extension anymore. I would go with hartman if you want to relocate the skid, top notch customer service and kits. If your dead set on going with as big of lug as you can go with that 1.6 cobra. I put the 1.3 on both my viper longtracks and they are awesome. Your also going to want to stay at 144, more track choices. Do a search in the working log lots of guys including myself have done this.
I have run the 1.75" lug and 9 tooth drivers, you wont have any problem with that on a viper or srx. I ran it for more then a season with the 1.75" but I did eventually trim it back to 1 5/8" only because I wanted to pick up a tad more topend speed,which it did.
I also had one on a 600sx, now that sled didnt have the power to keep the snow cleaned out and it would pack the tunnel up if someone was riding it slow in wet/slushy snow. I just took a new razor knife and trimmed it down to 1.5" and never a problem again.

The nice thing about starting off with the bigger lug is you can always trim it back some, and the bonus is the lug is a thicker base at the track, so if/when you trim it, the track works even better as the lug is then stiffer and doesnt deflect as much pushing more snow!

they trim quite easily with a brand new razor knife!
is that with the stock drivers or window drivers? about how much is a 144in hartman kit? also do i need to change the gearing or clutching any to accomidate a biggger lug track.
You should drop the top gear down one tooth to a 21. Hartman has them to sell you with the kit. As far as clutching goes, thats a whole different animal to get into. Hartman does recommend wrapping your secondary spring to about 60 though, if your still all stock. Hartman kit runs just under $500. If your running a 1.5 or bigger though on the trails, get some scratchers or a 4th wheel kit.

Heres the link to his site -
