Friend of mine has a mish mash between 98 and 99 srx power valves. cables are from 99 and motor is 98 mounted to front of airbox. Tried adjusting the valves by turning down the idle but that way ended up turning adjustment screws nearly all the way in. so wanted know the procedure for manifold removal. thanks
check the tech section above for the step by step adjusting of the power valves
check the tech section above for the step by step adjusting of the power valves
The tech section does not have what I'm looking for. Does anybody know how to adjust by taking the exhaust off?
New member
Are you trying to check the valves by finger through the exhaust port?
Friend of mine has a mish mash between 98 and 99 srx power valves. cables are from 99 and motor is 98 mounted to front of airbox. Tried adjusting the valves by turning down the idle but that way ended up turning adjustment screws nearly all the way in. so wanted know the procedure for manifold removal. thanks
are the cables wrapped the right way on the pulley? take a pic and post it....