1991 phazer


New member
Jan 4, 2012
we have a 1991 phazer it only runs on one cylinder until the rpms get to about 4000 and then the other cylinder kicks in and has lots of power we have cleaned the carbs made no difference it has spark and has compression it is the chain case side that is the problem anybody have any sugestions have also tried different plugs and a coil
Blip the choke and see if it picks up the other cylinder. If it does I would wager your pilot jet is plugged on that side.

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we took the carbs apart yesterday and cleaned and blew out all the jets and it made no difference
Do you have all the black plugs in place? I am sure this is a carb problem, Could be a reed problem but more than likely a carb/fuel delivery problem.
ya the black plugs are in the same place on both carbs the center hole and the one with the jet is there a way to check the reeds
when you took out the pilot jets, did you spray carb cleaner up thru the carb where the pilot jet screws into it and it came out the little orfice inside the front throat of the carb?
we had fuel spark and compression ended up being o ring on the reed cage put some silicone around it and runs great
