Yamaha Viper Gas problems


New member
Aug 22, 2013
Miramichi New Brunswick
First season with my new 2003 sx Viper. i love it, its working great, BUT... i am not getting the gas mileage i hoped for. I know its early in the season but 100KM on a 48 litre gas tank doesnt seem right or affordable. (I have SLP triple pipes but should still be getting better numbers). i have been told that my sled might be running too rich,and needs to be leaned out a bit (wich would also explain spark plugs being wet). should i look into this or does anyone have any other alternatives? i am considering selling at the end of the season if i dont see improved gas mileage, and maybe buying a srx or even a 06 apex. i dont want to lose power, but want a more affordable sled to run
That is the reason i took my slp pipes off, was getting 8 miles per gallon. Went back to stock pipe and went to getting 14 miles per gallon, loved the power of the pipes but couldn't afford to ride it.
If i do my math right thats comming out to about 6mpg to us guys in the states. Other then a fuel leak your only left with jetting. On a good day with pipes your pushing 8-10mpg max. Put in a heavy thumb on the throttle and some powder and that could knock you down to about 6mpg. I also took my cpr's off for this very reason. Pipes run hot on vipers and need fuel to cool. They are fun but not meant for MPG. I did get a tour buddy (gas resivior) that helped, 2 extra gallons to help me keep up with my buddies between gas stations.
would i be better off selling at end of season and purchasing a srx , and hoping to get better mileage on a similar motor? i dont really want to take pipes off, i love the power
would i be better off selling at end of season and purchasing a srx ...

Your choice of course, but it does sound like it's what you may want to do. Or even sell and buy now, or trade.

You will lose suspension travel with the SRX, unless it has been converted to the Viper/Vmax longer travel, or a different skid for the rear of course. On the flipside you will gain handling with a well tuned/maintained stock SRX suspension. Also SRX's are well known for their great fuel mileage for +/-140hp stock, and even modified SRX's get great mileage if they aren't too radical.
thats a common complaint with a piped viper, but you can make the single pipe exhaust run pretty dang good. I would look into trail porting the topend and then adding a set of heel clcicker clutching, it will wake up the sled ALOT and it will get decent mileage again.

triple pipes are absolute blast but the fuel prices make them unuseable for any kind of distance riding, ok for a around town bar to bar blaster.
Oh pick me, Pick me I know the answer. How do I know? Cons: I case of pistons later. These engines love gasoline. Pros: she runs great until she blows.
What if I tried to lean it out a bit? anybody familiar with the pros and cons of that? i dont know how it works, i just heard people mention it before

Do not lean it out, they are hard enough not to burn down with pipes as is. As mac said piped vipers neeeeed their gas. As mrviper said its not a long runner anymore when piped and really no way around it with out giving up reliability.
