so my 02 viper fires up pretty good full choke. then i drop to half choke. then no choke it idles around 1700ish. then it slowly dies down. so i flip up half choke for a second or two and then back off and its all good to go. it idles up with the half choke on then it comes down to idle when you flip it off. i have to repeat this for warming it up. its up and down and up and down really annoying. it runs great on the trail. but if i slow down to a stop on the trail it back fires when its idleling down. pretty much every time. it does that. im confused. i pulled the bowls off and they were spotless. then i pulled mains and pilots and they were good as well. anybody know whats going on. btw it still likes a half choke cycle to idle when its warm.
New member
Sounds like pilot issues to me. It's not getting the fuel it needs on the idle circuit which is why it'll only idle with half choke. Did you spray carb cleaner through the pilot jets? Into the orifice where the pilot screws into? You cannot just quickly go through these carbs. They need to be cleaned properly. Go to the FAQ section on cleaning carbs, Follow it to a tee. Also, fresh gas in the tank? Not new gas added to last seasons gas. I don't know if you have ethanol free gas up there, but down here it's in our gas and it reeks havoc on the carbs.
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Just because you looked through the jets doesn't mean that they are completely open to the proper size. Also it is wise to blow carb cleaner through the pilot circuit followed by compressed air to ensure that the circuits are open and clean, same should go for the jets.
I figured it out shortly after. Engine side carb boot clamps were not tight.